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Category: Labour & Delivery

Asked by blpreen87

Q: head down

does anyone know when the baby normally turns head down for the final time? I am 32 weeks and was told she is side ways and it makes me nervous due to the fact I have the feeling this is going to be like my previous 2 and I wont make it past 37 weeks.

This question was asked May. 14, 2014 10:48pm
Category: Labour & Delivery

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Answered by eag923 - May. 14, 2014 11:10pm
It all depends on the baby. Both of mine were head down by 28 wks, and stayed that way, however, both of my girls had BIG heads, so gravity played a part in that. However, one of my best friends had babies that flipped around until the end. With her first, the dr finally flipped the baby head down at 37 weeks and she stayed that way until she was born at nearly 42 weeks. With her second, the baby didn't flip to head down until 36 weeks. She was induced at 37 wks for medical reasons, and the baby was still head down at the induction. I don't think most drs get concerned until you get to about 35 weeks or so. Then, they start discussing methods to get the baby to flip. The website spinningbabies.com has different methods to get babies to flip into position, so you may want to check that out! GL!

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