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Category: Labour & Delivery

Asked by JillianB09

Q: Preterm Labor?

I'm 35 weeks, the past month or so I've been having braxton hicks contractions, but last night I felt they were different. So I went to the hospital. My contractions were between five and seven minutes apart so they gave me a shot to try to stop them. Ran all the tests for preterm labor and everything came back negative. Should I worry? I'm still having them now, they're not painful, just uncomfortable. I don't know what to think, any advice? Anything will help me ease my nerves! Thanks so much!

This question was asked Jan. 30, 2012 7:32pm
Category: Labour & Delivery

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Answered by kirstyk - Jan. 30, 2012 9:44pm
I wouldnt stree too much is it your first? i never had braxton hicks but found the actual contractions to feel like I really badly needed to poop and had bad constipation like cramps lol. Haveu had any other signs like lost your mucus plug? Dont stress too much my sister in law was in labour with her first from 12 weeks onwards and still had her at 38 and 35 isnt too bad. If the hospital isnt stressed then i wouldnt be either just if they get really bad go to hospital and just keep an eye on bubs movements good luck x

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Answered by onemor83 - Jan. 30, 2012 8:10pm
Braxton hicks are suppose to be uncomfy....I've gotten mine since about 20wks...& have gotten worse...its very tight & painful below & I get them about 10 times a day..hate it,but its normal ,it prepares your body for the real thing...some women say that theirs are actually a bit painful....I think your fine..unless they get painful til you cant walk or talk & last for an hour.

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