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Category: Miscarriage & Loss

Asked by a member

Q: Odd question about miscarraige.

I haven't experienced an early m/c but I did have a stillborn at 18wks. I chose to go through a normal delivery bc I couldn't stand the thought of my baby being ripped up and becoming hazardous waste. He now sits on a shelf in a tiny urn. So my question is in an early m/c do people normally flush the baby down the toilet if it happens at home? Or do people get the embryo and bury it themselves? This is a pure ignorance question so if someone could give me some insight that'd be great.

This question was asked Feb. 2, 2012 2:24pm
Category: Miscarriage & Loss

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Answered by WearindRed - Mar. 7, 2012 4:10pm
I had three first trimester miscarriages. The first two were very early and I didn't ever see the embryo the third was at 11 weeks and was a missed miscarriage. I had to have a d&c the tissue was tested to see what was going on. I like to believe that miscarriage gave his life so his sister could be born and that all the tissue was used in the testing.

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Answered by lisserb - Mar. 7, 2012 3:51pm
I just had an ectopic pregnancy discovered on Friday at 6 weeks. It was surgically removed along with my right Fallopian tube. It took us over 5 years and numerous treatments to conceive and I was so stunned that it was ending like that, that I didn't ask to have the embryo kept for me. It makes me a bit sad to think of it being discarded, but I honestly don't know what I would have done with it otherwise.

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Answered by a member - Feb. 24, 2012 2:56am
I am sorry for your loss. I miscarried at 7wks in November 2008 and I passed the sac in my underwear. I took it out, placed it in a tiny box and buried it in my garden. I also bought a tiny angel holding a baby statue that I have in my room on my dresser.

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Answered by MBrannen - Feb. 4, 2012 2:07am
I did the same thing with my full term still born and she is now in an urn in our room. We still went through the delivery like we wanted and she was born 7 lbs 3 ozs. We also kept her placenta and planted a tree with it. But I had a miscarriage back in August at 9 weeks and that actually came out as a large embryonic sac, which we took home and buried with the placenta. I then had an early miscarriage in august which I thought was my period and if it hadnt of been for me trying out the new diva cup I had just gotten, I probably would not of ever even found my tiny embryonic sac which got caught by the cup. That also got buried along with the placenta and other miscarriage sac. I think it's definitely a good way to honor our babies for whatever short or long amount of time they spent with us.

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Answered by kirstyk - Feb. 3, 2012 12:51am
I mc at 6 weeks and (even though i was told it would never happened) I saw the sac when i wiped i could tell that was what it was because it wasnt like clots. I just burst into tears i did flush it down the toilet i think if i knew there was a heart beat or had seen it during my us i would have buried it.

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Answered by Sabrina - Feb. 2, 2012 10:05pm
I miscarried at 6 weeks and passed what I thought was the sac in the toilet (it was gray in color) I put a glove on and reached in and got it out of the toilet I didn't have the heart to let that be it's burying place. I knew that was the baby because my cramps and bleeding seemed to subside a lot after I passed it. I ran it under cold water to wash the dirty toilet water off and put it in a glad container and we buried the baby in my husbands mom's garden.

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Answered by Coomy08 - Feb. 2, 2012 4:13pm
When I m/c at 13 weeks(measuring 15 weeks) we never found the baby. Still to this day I wounder if I lost him/her in the toilet or if they got thrown away in one of the hundred pads I bleed through,the nurses never checked. If I had seen the baby, I honestly don't know what I would have done. I'd like to think that I would have got the baby put in an urn or have them buried, but I was a mess after it happened..had to have 2 blood transfusions, didn't get out of bed for days.

Idk how much this helped with your question, but just thought I'd share my story with you. And also I am sorry for your loss and wish you a happy and healthy 9 months this time around.

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Answered by JLMarks - Feb. 2, 2012 2:40pm
I have no idea.

Just wanted to say I am sorry for your loss. I went through it as well at 20 weeks and we did the same thing. Julian is now with us all the time in our living room. It took me awhile to move his urn out of my room. Hope everything is going better this time around.

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