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Category: Newly Pregnant

Asked by MrsReyes

Q: Family Doesn't Agree With What Could Be Our Sons Name B/C

So my husband and I decided to name our child if it was a boy Brent Michael, in memory of my father. Well today I got a phone call from my mom and some family they don't agree with my choice and they feel as though that is disrespectful to his parents, my dad's brothers and my dad. What do yall ladies think? I thought it was honorable and respectful and meaningful and my child would always have part of his grandpa with him but now I feel horrible for even thinking it

This question was asked Feb. 4, 2015 11:20pm
Category: Newly Pregnant

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Answered by darladybug - Feb. 5, 2015 1:20am
That seems odd to me! I have always thought of it as an honor. My son's middle name is my father in laws and he was so excited when we told him! You should name your child how you choose and it's your way of honoring him.

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Answered by cosmoholic - Feb. 5, 2015 12:40pm
I personally think that the choice as to what to name your little one rests with you and your partner alone. It's a name that means a lot to you and that you have both agreed on - the extended family should butt out.

I have a friend who changed the name of her son after getting backlash from her family. Her son is now 2 years old and she STILL regrets that they didn't go with their first choice of name just because their families didn't like it.

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Answered by dakotagurrl - Feb. 4, 2015 11:41pm
I named my son, Kenneth Edward (Kenny) after my father. My sisters were livid but they both had boys and chose not to name them after our dad, so I did. Its not disrespectful at all, and most wouldn't see it as such. My dad's brothers and sisters were happy that I chose to carry on his name.
I say go for it!! They'll get over it!

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Answered by mamabear10 - Feb. 6, 2015 1:46am
The only way it would be disrespectful to ur in laws would be if ur husbands father passed as well... But I'm assuming he is alive so I don't see why they would be offended. Its very beautiful to keep ur dads memory alive and how nice is it going to be when ur son grows up to tell people he was named after his grandfather and not just another name on the 'most popular' list.

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Answered by Papas~Mama - Feb. 5, 2015 3:29am
In short, they can suck it. No one can tell you what to name your children. It amazes me how people feel like they have ANY say in it, but it happens over and over and over. If you let them decide what your child should be named then they "win" a sort of battle with you, that they created in their own selfish minds. It's completely unfair and they are 110% in the wrong. This is between you and YOUR feelings for your father, not anyone else's. I've learned over my past few pregnancies just to not tell anyone what I have as name ideas because somebody ALWAYS has something cheeky or pushy to say. It's no one's f*in business what you name the child that you bring forth from your own loins. If you decide to change it, decide because YOU wanted to, not because of what anyone else says. If you decide to stay with it, which sounds lovely and honorable to me (my child if a boy will be George Edward IV because of family lineage;a girl no idea), I say YOU GO GIRL!!!

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Answered by MrsReyes - Feb. 5, 2015 4:17pm
Thanks ladies, I feel a lot better knowing I'm not the only one who sees it our way. I just think it's rude how they put words in other people's mouths bc apparently my grandpa (my dad's dad) never said it was disrespectful and he understood why

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Answered by lyssa7872 - Feb. 7, 2015 2:31am
I think it's a lovely idea, and no one should change your baby's names but it's parents :)
We named our son Aryn Anton. Anton is a family middle name on my husband's side. Our daughter is Mikah Jane, because my grandmother's name Is Judy Elaine, but we didn't like either of those, so we combined them :)
Most people have some sort of attachment or a story behind what they name their children. It's a bonding thing between the parents I think. Best of luck with your pregnancy!!

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Answered by monroezelda - Feb. 5, 2015 7:55pm
I have never heard anything so odd :/ I cant see how it could upset anyone, its a honour.
3 of my nephews and my son have my fathers name In there names, he died in 95, my eldsest so. is named after my grandad. I think its lovely.an respectful

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Answered by mommyof2Nsky - Feb. 5, 2015 3:06am
your kidding right??!! Name your baby boy anything you want to. Brent Michael is a wonderful name, even better being that he is named after someone near and dear to your heart, Thats so rude of them to have done that to you. this is suppose to be a special time for you and they should NOT have put in their thoughts. My son (Michael) is named after his great uncle who committed suicide when he was a teenager. No one said a word to me about it. And Im due in march with a girl that ill be naming Logan, Ive had a few people say they didnt like it, but it didnt change my mind on her name... its your choice, and if the childs father is okay with it then i say go for it. what are other people gonna do? not be apart of his life because of his name? thats crazy. Good luck hunny, Do what you feel in your heart is right.

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Answered by KerriV2011 - Feb. 5, 2015 3:29pm
My cousin had the same problem with naming his daughter. He wanted to name her Patricia after our aunt that had passed. Our grandmother (aunts mom) was a little upset as this child could not replace hers. He then asked if he could use it as a middle name and our grandmother was very pleased with that. Just know that by naming your child after someone is not going to replace them as no person is replaceable. You are just wanting to carry on a memory of a loved one and there is nothing wrong with that!

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