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Category: Labour & Delivery

Asked by TangleBirdie

Q: What do contractions actually feel like???

So im 39 weeks 3 days. I have been having braxton hicks so i know what they feel like. But my question is what do real contractions feel like? I know its probably different for everyone. But i had what i thought were real contractions about a week ago felt like stronger braxton hicks building up like a wave and then going away which is slightly differnt from my braxton hicks as they dont come and go in a wave. However past few days ive had worsening period cramping. Just this morning ive had 2 episodes of stomach tightnight along with a period type cramp that goes across my lower tummy and round into my back. its quite intense and althought it hasnt stopped me in my tracks im wondering if this is a real one and not the other type i had the other day as this is far more painful than the other type i had. Im 2/5ths engaged and doctor said it could be any day now.. Im so anxious to meet her... what do u think? Sorry for the long question.

This question was asked Feb. 14, 2012 1:44am
Category: Labour & Delivery

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Answered by TangleBirdie - Feb. 15, 2012 3:02am
Thanx everyone for your help!!! im still pregnant lol... so it probably wasnt contractions !!! But still good to get advice

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Answered by JessicaWall11 - Feb. 14, 2012 2:30am
youll know the real contractions from the braxtons. They are completely intense and are right ontop of each other. Time them. If they seem to be scattered (like one in ten then another in say 25) thats a braxton. When they get to be i would say roughly six minutes apart each time, its time to head out to have that little girl. Good luck

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Answered by sweetpea016 - Feb. 14, 2012 2:11am
sounds like you are having some contractions. good luck to you! look forward to hearing if labor has stared!

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Answered by knicole27 - Feb. 14, 2012 1:50am
While I cannot tell you because I do not know yet myself.. I was JUST talking to my mom about this last night and she pretty much described it as an intense period cramp that started in the front and then went to her back. She had back labor... but everyone is completely different. If I were you just to be on the safe side if you have them again starting timing! good luck! :)

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