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Category: Labour & Delivery

Asked by Amarylis

Q: Signs of labor starting soon?

So I'm probably annoying with all the questions I have and the amount I worry but I blame it on this being the first pregnancy going full term.
I am 32 weeks tomorrow.
Baby feels lower when I stand but my stomach doesn't look different.
I have been mildly crampy (wouldn't say full out contraction but like the first little cramps when your period starts) and I had to do a lot of walking this morning/early afternoon.
My legs ache more then usual.
I keep feeling like something started but I when I go check in the bathroom there is nothing there.
I am having different bowel movement now (sorry if tmi)
Does it seem like I am getting close to labor or is my body just freaking me out?

This question was asked Feb. 16, 2012 4:31am
Category: Labour & Delivery

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Answered by Jess3720 - Feb. 16, 2012 4:18pm
My first baby "dropped" around 34 weeks. After that happened, I had almost constant cramps and backaches. My BH increased, I lost my mucous plug, dilated to a 2 and stayed that way until I was induced at 42 weeks. :(

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