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Category: Expecting Multiples

Asked by HelloIamSammy

Q: Ultrasound with healthy baby then 2nd smaller empty sac, anyone else?

Ultrasound sees baby moving, heart fluttering, technician taking all sorts of measurements etc. Technician then moves over to the left of my baby and zooms in a much smaller (and empty) sac. She takes measurements and snap shots and I ask her if that is an empty sac, her reply is "it will all be on the report when it is finished". She proceeds to tell me to wipe off the gel, use the restroom and she'll be right back. I figured we are done but then she returns asking for a vaginal ultrasound, takes more measurements (of just baby this time, ignoring empty sac) then returns to regular exterior abdominal ultrasound and carries on.

I am not freaking out--just wondering if anyone can relate. 11 wks 3 days today and the ultrasound was earlier just this afternoon. Thank you.

This question was asked Mar. 16, 2016 12:31am
Category: Expecting Multiples

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Answered by zue_zue - Mar. 20, 2016 1:13pm
Hi Sammy,

Im happy everything goes well with you.. My friend had aswell fibroid during her previous pregnancy. The doctor didnt inform her about it until she delivered her DS. Everything went well and the doctor did a good job not to make her worry.. :-)

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Answered by HelloIamSammy - Mar. 19, 2016 10:47am
UPDATE: I spoke with my midwife and apparently the "empty sac" that I thought I had seen is actually a fibroid that measures slightly bigger than my baby. Seems to be completely normal to have fibroids and this also assuages my original concern that I may have miscarried a 2nd time in my life. Thank you so very much for sharing with me your thoughts and wishes, I love this site with being able to connect to so many sharing and caring women.

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Answered by mnor0406 - Mar. 17, 2016 1:41am
We did ivf and transferred 2 embryos. Initially I had 2 gestational sacs, 2 yolk sacs, but only 1 baby. The 2nd sac was visible at 6 and 7 week ultrasounds but my body just naturally absorbed it by my 12 week scan. I had a bit of bleeding here and there during the 1st trimester but otherwise had a perfectly healthy, full term daughter.

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Answered by HelloIamSammy - Mar. 16, 2016 11:09am
Thank you PaperHeart. I will be focusing on the bouncy sweet baby I saw on the screen and will wait for confirmation from the midwife but until then my thoughts are the same as yours that this was/is a vanishing twin. Thank you for sharing this information and am happy that you are blessed with a healthy baby, I remain positive.

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Answered by PaperHeart - Mar. 16, 2016 3:05am
I experienced this with my ds. In my case, it was a vanishing twin. Sorry for your loss if that's the case for you and congratulations on your other baby.

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