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Category: Labour & Delivery

Asked by TriniGal36791112

Q: If You Have Acervix that Doesn't Dialate fast or on it's own when it's time to Give Birth

What Can Be Done To Help Labor Progress or get Started when It's Time ? I was told to take GingerTea Will That Help

This question was asked Feb. 27, 2012 12:59am
Category: Labour & Delivery

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Answered by Sybella - Mar. 4, 2012 7:48am
I live in New Zealand and you can get a herbal labor tincture that helps your cervix dilate. You take it every couple of hours once labor starts - tastes vile but if you chase it with chocolate milk its bearable!

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Answered by ImACamp - Mar. 1, 2012 5:59pm
I don't know any home remedies for this, but I know that the hospital can do things that encourage dilation. They insert a balloon. So it's not really medicine, but it is done at the hospital.

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