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Joined May. 19, 2015 8:29am

Summer0120's Pregnancy

My Due Date: January 20, 2016
I have given birth!
Age: 38 years old
Location: Iowa, United States

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My Journal

Yay! Another Week! Wk 5
By Summer0120 » Posted May. 20, 2015 9:07am - 455 views - 10 comments

I'm pretty excited to have finally made it to week 5. It has been a week and a half since I got my first bfp, and it seemed like week 4 was never going to end. I have exactly three weeks left from today until my first ultrasound and prenatal appointment. I am so excited!! We have a countdown going on my phone. My SO took me on a date last night, and he had his first late night (well 9pm) run to the grocery store to get me some apple juice. I am getting sick of water. He is the best! My prenatals do not make me sick at all. I am so happy about that, because I got so sick and unhealthy my first two pregnancies since I just couldn't take prenatals at all. Feeling great still today. No morning sickness yet. Just the bloating. Occasional cramp here and there. Boobs are very heavy and sore, but I can live with that. Life is good!!!

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from Mem401 » Posted May. 20, 2015 4:28pm
My ob-gyn has a great lab where if you need blood work done you can just go in for that with no wait. With my numbers being kind of low I'm glad of it. I'll feel better if they tell me my numbers from yesterday were a lot better than Fridays!

Comment from Summer0120 » Posted May. 20, 2015 1:31pm
Hi MalPal! I didn't realize I missed your comment earlier! My SO went to the store last night and got me apple juice. BUT he also brought me back some frozen fruit. He told me to add it to my water in place of ice cubes and see if I like it. I'm going to try it tonight!!! I have drank a little tea here-and-there, but I'm trying to cut out caffeine altogether.

Comment from Summer0120 » Posted May. 20, 2015 1:27pm
Work goes by really slow which makes the time seem to drag even more. I have so much to do (and actually getting a bit behind), but it's sooooo hard to concentrate!

Comment from Randall0123 » Posted May. 20, 2015 1:13pm
Same thing with me. My docs don't want to see me until 8 weeks. And they didn't have any early morning appointments until I was 9 weeks. :) So I am waiting right here with yeah. Just stalking ladies over at CTP to help pass the time. :)

Comment from Summer0120 » Posted May. 20, 2015 12:55pm
Nope. I told them I didn't feel it was necessary. I could tell by my symptoms alone that my HCG was rapidly climbing and my progesterone was high. :)

Comment from Mem401 » Posted May. 20, 2015 12:37pm
My ob-gyn had told me at call as soon as AF or BFP, so I waited and called Friday and they had me in that afternoon for blood work. They called with the results on Monday and had me back to repeat the tests yesterday. I figure when they call today, if my numbers are up, they will set up my first appointment. I do understand them waiting until 8 weeks, and I don't know if that's what my dr will do, but I know all of this waiting already is brutal. Have you have any blood work done yet?

Comment from MalPal85 » Posted May. 20, 2015 12:01pm
Congrats on reaching the 5 week mark! Glad your prenatals don't make you sick! Mine don't really either. I am SOOOOOOOOO sick of water too. I've been forcing myself to drink it but sometimes I gag because I've just had enough already and I'm only 9 weeks haha. I've been really loving tea lately though. Good luck at your fist ultrasound. Make sure to post the pic :):)

Comment from Summer0120 » Posted May. 20, 2015 11:40am
Randall... I agree! 6/10 is going to be an awesome day! I hope.. lol. 20 days is so long... I am very impatient!! :)

Mem... our hospital has a policy to make the first us and appt at 8 weeks along. I wanted to get in sooner so bad. I even pulled out the high risk card, but they pretty much gave it to me straight. She said, "High risk or not, the possibility of a mc before 8 weeks is high enough that we prefer to wait. If you have complications before then, there's nothing we could do to intervene." I know they don't mean to sound cold and cruel, but it's hard to not be annoyed by that. So here I am.. patiently waiting... well trying to be patient!

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