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Joined May. 19, 2015 8:29am

Summer0120's Pregnancy

My Due Date: January 20, 2016
I have given birth!
Age: 38 years old
Location: Iowa, United States

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Healthy Foods/Beverages That Don't Break the Budget...
By Summer0120 » Posted May. 21, 2015 2:27pm - 340 views - 6 comments

So I have had a couple slight fainting spells (both while driving) since becoming pregnant. So I told my SO that I need to start eating more snacks throughout the day instead of just breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I already don't like most junk food and sweets, so finding healthy food isn't a problem for me. My biggest issue is how expensive everything is. I have to find more energy efficient and healthy breakfast foods to bring to work, snacks for at least 2-3 times a day at work, lunch, and snacks for the evening. All of that is just for me every day. Not even including the grocery shopping for him and two children, and then dinner for us all every night! On top of that, I'm becoming more picky. Not that I've exactly had food aversions, but I haven't liked eating the same thing twice lately. I don't want leftovers, and if I had apple slices yesterday, I don't want them today. Then there's the water issue. Fruit juice has too much sugar to be drinking it every day. My acne is already more horrible than I could ever describe on here (face, neck, chest, arms, back, shoulders) and milk makes it worse. Tea has caffeine. Etc etc. Luckily the SO solved this problem for me. He put frozen fruit in my water instead of ice cubes last night. DELICIOUS!!! Refreshing, thirst quenching, great taste!!! It's my new favorite drink I think!

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from Summer0120 » Posted May. 22, 2015 2:28pm
Hi MalPal! I love cheese sticks (especially the Colby jack), but I have to stay away from as much dairy as possible. I already am acne prone with dairy products when I'm not pregnant, and now it's worse than ever!! I eat a lot of fruit. Pregnant or not. I went home for lunch today, and ate two bananas before I even left the house. Lol. Grapes are usually my go-to for packing snacks, though. :)

Comment from MalPal85 » Posted May. 22, 2015 1:02pm
I think I'm going to try that frozen fruit in the water deal. I eat breakfast and then I don't take a lunch break until 2 so I pack a Fiber One (with protein) bar and oyster crackers or the "hint of salt" Triscuits to have, if needed, before lunch. When I get home I usually eat a cheese stick as that is the first snack my Doctor recommended me going to when we discussed eating between meals (I do buy the good ones though (Colby jack) and not the string cheese so they are kind of expensive). I also recommend just grabbing some fruit. I bought some purple grapes last night and I cannot get enough of them but, like you said, what we crave/like changes so fast it's nearly impossible to stick with one thing (I loved almonds but then packed them one day and now I never want them again :(). I've been loving cereal these days too. I've been going through the weekend coupons too to see if anything looks appealing that is on sale. Good luck to you!

Comment from Summer0120 » Posted May. 22, 2015 8:53am
rcorinne- I LOVE the roasted garlic Triscuits. They were out at the store last night, though. I decided to try the dill, sea salt, and olive oil ones. I dip triscuits in chive & onion cream cheese. Sometimes I put slices of cucumber on it, too. Delicious!

mnor- with my last pregnancy, I was that way with graham crackers and grapes. I carried them around in baggies in my purse! lol

Kitten- I love almonds, but I decided to try walnuts this time since it was on the pregnancy superfoods list. I bought just a little package to snack on. I am not much of a yogurt fan, but I do love gogurt. I know it's for kids and not as health beneficial, but it's not all that bad. Haha!

So my snack and work foods for the next week are walnuts, triscuits & cream cheese, gogurt, and fruit & nut bars. That should be sufficient I hope!! Thanks for the suggestions, ladies!! I plan to try something different every week!

Comment from Kitten90 » Posted May. 22, 2015 6:20am
Almonds are good, string cheese, greek yogurt, granola bars were all good options for me. I also got in the habit of drinking a nutritional shake daily as a snack between breakfast and lunch which seemed to help. Really anything with protein will usually help.

Comment from mnor0406 » Posted May. 21, 2015 8:40pm
I was a car food hoarder my first and second trimesters. My center console always had a variety of stuff in it like granola bars, pretzels, fruit snacks, baggies of dry cereal or homemade trail mix, etc. I always got hungry in the car and felt sick if I didn't eat something right away and having a bunch of options helped.

Comment from rcorinne » Posted May. 21, 2015 7:14pm
Have you tried bringing really portable things like dried fruit, almonds or string cheese? I find they're fairly inexpensive at places like Trader Joe's (if you have one in the area). They work well if you plan ahead put them in little containers yourself. I'm craving crackers, so I have lots of Triscuits, Ritz, and Wheat Thins at home right now. Not that healthy, but they take the edge off, and there are worse things. I like how you qualified that last sentence. Just try different fruit in your water each day, so you get that variety you crave. :P

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