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Joined May. 19, 2015 8:29am

Summer0120's Pregnancy

My Due Date: January 20, 2016
I have given birth!
Age: 38 years old
Location: Iowa, United States

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My Journal

He Wants One of Each!
By Summer0120 » Posted Jun. 1, 2015 8:47am - 205 views - 3 comments

My SO can't make up his mind. When we first met, all he talked about was how badly he wanted a little boy. He would go on and on about it. Then when we decided to start trying, he was so excited that I already had two girls because he wanted to "give me a boy". Then, he kept talking about how badly he wanted a girl, because he adores my girls so much and they are so fun. He has changed his mind about ten times. He goes back and forth almost daily. Yesterday, we walked past Star Wars legos at the store, so now he's back to wanting a boy. Haha! This guy makes me laugh. At least I know he'd be happy with either. I really hope to not find out the sex. It's something that's really important to me!
I'm getting close to 7 weeks, and I woke up feeling awful today. Everything is sore, I don't feel well, I am exhausted like I didn't sleep at all, etc. I almost called in for the first time since being pregnant, but I decided to tough it out. I've done so well so far. I guess we'll see if I actually make it through this day without calling it quits early.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from Summer0120 » Posted Jun. 2, 2015 8:16am
Thanks ladies! I am actually feeling worse today, and I'm thinking it's going to be the story of my life for the rest of this trimester :( MS hit me like a freight train yesterday at lunch. I couldn't eat two bites without getting sick. So I'm just praying the next couple months will fly by!!

Comment from Mem401 » Posted Jun. 2, 2015 8:10am
How sweet that you know your SO will be happy either way! Hey, maybe it's twins and you will get one of both! ;)
DH and I want the same, a girl. Too much testosterone in this house already! But, of course, I don't really care as long as it's healthy. I love the idea of not finding out the sex, but I know me and I won't be able to wait! :)
Hope you are feeling better today!

Comment from rcorinne » Posted Jun. 1, 2015 10:28pm
Hope you can sleep tonight and have a better day tomorrow. Lovely that your SO is excited for either sex. Then you can enjoy every outcome. :)

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