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Joined May. 19, 2015 8:29am

Summer0120's Pregnancy

My Due Date: January 20, 2016
I have given birth!
Age: 38 years old
Location: Iowa, United States

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My Journal

Monday came too soon...
By Summer0120 » Posted Jun. 8, 2015 8:29am - 231 views - 4 comments

Like most of you, I have been abnormally exhausted. Still can't seem to keep my eyes open all day long. I love the weekends for that reason alone. I took 3-4 naps a day all weekend. It was so nice!! I would wake up, do housework for a couple hours, spend time with the family, eat, take a nap, repeat. :) I don't know how I live through the week. Best part was that every time I took a nap, either my SO or my kiddos would curl up next to me and take a nap, too. So I got lots of snuggle time in as well.
I woke up this morning to both my belly and boobs a bit bigger and feeling quite full and heavy. It's amazing how those things literally change overnight. I still can't believe I am only 7wks5d. I didn't have a belly like this until 4 months pregnant with my first two.
I had my niece (19 months) overnight Saturday. My daughters were pointing at my belly and saying "baby" to her. My sister called me last night and told me that Peyton now keeps pointing at everyone's bellies and saying "baby". Haha! I thought that was cute :)
The most exciting part of today is waking up knowing there's only two days left until our first baby appointment and ultrasound! We have been counting down for a month, now. Finally almost here!! We are very very excited!!

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from Summer0120 » Posted Jun. 8, 2015 10:42am
I have the same problem! My job is a desk job. I get up to help customers and go to the copy machine and printer and stuff, but for the most part it's sitting. It makes me even more sleepy!!

Comment from Tafoyarael5 » Posted Jun. 8, 2015 10:21am
I feel like that too! My belly is way bigger than it was with any of the kids at this stage. I woke up this morning wondering how the heck am I going to get through the week. I am exhausted. My job has me sitting a lot through out the day so in a way that makes the sleepiness more pronounced. sigh...

Comment from Summer0120 » Posted Jun. 8, 2015 9:14am
I hear ya! I hate waiting. I am not a patient person. I haven't done too bad, though. Better than usual. Probably because I don't have a choice. Lol. I just want to see the baby for myself and know everything is ok!!

Comment from Kitten90 » Posted Jun. 8, 2015 9:06am
Probably be the longest two days ever lol! Waiting drives me crazy haha. And naps are absolutely the best. SO and I have both been taking naps lately (have to alternate most days though because Lexus doesn't want to nap when we do haha)

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