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Joined Oct. 1, 2013 1:20pm

HzlGreenEyes's Pregnancy

My Due Date: February 5, 2016
I have given birth!
Age: 41 years old
Location: New Jersey, United States

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My Journal - Page 2

Hcg levels low but they doubled
By HzlGreenEyes » Posted Jun. 8, 2015 7:01pm - 491 views - 9 comments

I'm trying not to panick... just doing my research to try and get more answers. So obviously I ovulated later than 14dpo which is the norm. I think I ovulated cd 16 or cd17... like I mentioned I never got a positive OPK. So Friday would have put me at 3w5d(or 4d) at hcg 21miu/ml and Sunday 4w (or 3w6d) at hcg 56miu/ml. It doubled she said so that is good but wasn't sure how far along I am. So she is scheduling me to come in on Thursday morning and I should hear back by that afternoon. She asked if I was spotting or even felt any any symptoms. I told her today is the first day I actually have been tired. I seriously need a break here... did any of you ladies have a similar scenario? ??

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from Kitten90 » Posted Jun. 8, 2015 7:14pm
I've never had blood drawn that early on so I don't have any experience with it... but it sounds like maybe like you said you ovulated later and aren't that far along... The hcg has to start from nothing so at some point the levels are very low. Fingers and toes crossed for ya that you get some more solid answers this week =) . So are they doing more blood work on Thursday or are they gonna try a scan?

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