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Joined Jul. 31, 2015 7:24am

SarahEMcCormick's Pregnancy

My Due Date: March 20, 2016
I have given birth!
Age: 40 years old
Location: Ft Myers, United States

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My Journal

First Journal Entry - Glad to Be Here!
By SarahEMcCormick » Posted Aug. 1, 2015 8:06am - 283 views - 4 comments

So, this is my first official journal entry. I'm glad to have joined this site - I saw the banner over on CountDowntoPregnancy.com and decided I may as well join this site now that I'm pregnant.

I found out I am pregnant with my 5th baby 3 days ago. It came as a shock for the most part, because the doctor had told me a few years ago that I would never be able to have any more children; that I would never be able to get pregnant again due to all of the scar tissue inside of my uterus from the Adenomyosis I deal with on a daily basis. He told me it would take a miracle from God to get pregnant again. Though we weren't trying, it happened - do I count this as a miracle? You'd better believe it. And as educated as doctors are, and as much as they know about everything medical, they don't know everything. They aren't God. And they aren't always right - clearly.

So far, the only ones who know are my mother, who was the first person I told, my husband, and my sister in law. At least, as far as I know. I haven't told my other children as of yet, as I'm going to wait to disclose that to them in a few weeks. I'm almost 5 weeks pregnant right now, I'd like to wait till I'm at least 8 weeks along before I say anything due to the risk of miscarriage being so high during this time - especially for me with the problem I have.

That's another thing - I'm ecstatic about this pregnancy, but I'm also terrified. I've been through a miscarriage twice before, and I never want to go through another. It's just as hard emotionally as it is physically.

If all goes well, and everything works as it should, we will have a new baby here by April 4th, 2016. :) That's my projected due date - though, I can't see my actual midwife until August 25th as they are looking to wait until I am 8 weeks along for a TV ultrasound and testing and what not.

So, I've already been dabbling in what the gender may be with using the following methods:

-Chinese Gender Predictor (Mother's luteal age combined with date of conception - you can find this one all over the internet)
-Mayan Gender Predictor (where you take the mother's age at conception, and the month of conception, and if they are both even, you're having a boy; if they're both odd, you're having a girl)
-Old Wives Tales - these are some of my favorites because they are so interesting. I am actually too early into my pregnancy to try most of them, but nonetheless, still fun.

And by the time I'm 10 weeks, I will be taking one of those gender predictor tests available from Walgreens. I'm stoked! Supposedly, they are 90% accurate if done right. If I had a choice in the matter, I would want a girl. I've currently got two girls, and two boys - but let me just say, the two boys I do have are enough, I can't imagine a third! lol I love them to death though.

Quite honestly? I don't care what I have as long as it's healthy - but I would really like it if I could have just one more girl...

Okay, I'm totally rambling now - but I will post another entry this week sometime. Feel free to comment and add me as a friend, I'd love to talk with other moms and moms to be!

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from scuba.chick » Posted Aug. 1, 2015 3:52pm
Congratulations! :-) We are about 1 week apart on due date! :-) xx

Comment from HzlGreenEyes » Posted Aug. 1, 2015 11:27am
Congratulations! !! What a blessing it is after reading your story. Welcome and I hope you have a happy and healthy 9 months!

Comment from SarahEMcCormick » Posted Aug. 1, 2015 8:56am
Hi Amanda! Thanks so much for reading, stopping by, and commenting!

I agree, that's all I can really hope for! I just stopped by your page and see that you're 9 weeks. Congratulations! I hope you have a smooth, safe, and healthy pregnancy and delivery as well! Keep in touch, I'd love to have some ladies to converse with on here :)

Comment from Amanda_McDaniel » Posted Aug. 1, 2015 8:13am
Welcome and congratulations! Hopefully you get blessed further with a happy and healthy nine months and a smooth delivery!

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