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Joined Jul. 31, 2015 7:24am

SarahEMcCormick's Pregnancy

My Due Date: March 20, 2016
I have given birth!
Age: 40 years old
Location: Ft Myers, United States

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My Journal

Exhaustion Rules the Roost
By SarahEMcCormick » Posted Aug. 5, 2015 12:50pm - 318 views - 5 comments

Tired. Better yet, exhausted. That about sums me up in a one word nutshell this past couple weeks. And it's only getting worse.

Most of you don't know, but I work from home as a freelance writer/blogger for three skin care/beauty brands. I am usually required to submit an average of 6-10 articles of 500+ words per day to the companies, and in turn, they post them on their blogs. I occasionally take on other work and other clients, but right now, I'm working PT for these brands.

That's neither here nor there; the point is, I am finding it incredibly difficult to have enough strength and energy to sit and write for such long, extended periods of time and research as much as I have to for each article this past week or two. I have been so fall-on-my-face, narcoleptic status tired. I can't even explain how ridiculously exhausted I am. For example, I was in the garage with my sons and husband last night, and they were all jamming out on their drum set, and two guitars, and I was sitting directly in front of all the noise and next to two amps...and I actually had the audacity to fall asleep sitting up in a chair for a minute. I caught myself and felt terrible, because they were trying to show me a song they had been working on. This was at about 7:00'ish in the evening.

I don't get to see my husband much lately because he leaves to go to work from 6:30 AM until about 5:30 or 6:30 PM, and then we eat dinner, and we see each other for a couple hours after everything is said and done, but I feel so guilty because by 8:00 I am ready to pass out and can't handle being awake much longer. Anything past 8 PM and I'm a zombie. But, the zombified me is the version of me that he's getting, because I'm forcing myself to stay up to spend time with him. And he's got a lot going on in terms of depression and some things, so right now, I need to be available and awake for him; I have no other option.

I just feel like Im spreading myself so thin and I don't know how to cope with this exhaustion, and get everything done in the day that I need to. Naps are out of the question, at least until my kids are back in school Aug 25th, and I can't go to bed before 11:30 PM, sometimes later, and I have been tossing and turning all night since finding out I'm pregnant - I think my hormones are throwing me way off. All in all, I'm not getting hardly enough sleep. Maybe, if I'm lucky, like 5 hours a night, tops. What I require is about 10 right now. Not even kidding.

I guess I just needed to vent; I don't know how to make this all work for the good of everyone. Any advice?

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from SarahEMcCormick » Posted Aug. 6, 2015 10:44am
Thanks ladies for sharing your experiences with me. IDK about you all, but I don't see it getting any better for the remainder of my pregnancy. LOL I will just have to deal somehow.

As for withdrawing from caffiene, omgosh the torture! I have cut down to about 1/4 cup of coffee a day just so I won't get a migraine, but it's enough to sustain me until I'm completely done. I am switching to decaf tea and I am transitioning nicely. It's not easy!

Comment from HzlGreenEyes » Posted Aug. 6, 2015 9:55am
It's rough in the beginning... I was falling asleep here at my desk yesterday and the day before (Also putting myself through Caffeine withdrawl which doesn't help). I got home yesterday and put myself right to bed. Hubby came in waking me after an hour and half later while I was still napping and woke me up. We just need naps for a while during the 1st trimester to get us through. Half hour naps should help!

Comment from thomasanddawnxoxo » Posted Aug. 5, 2015 8:30pm
im still exhausted all the time. I sleep ALOT!!! lol I work full time and am on my feet all day at work so when I get home I just want to lay around. housework takes a back seat but thankfully DH is very helpful.

Comment from MalPal85 » Posted Aug. 5, 2015 2:49pm
My fatigue is worse now at 20 weeks than it was in the beginning but it's different for everyone. My concentration has definitely taken a huge fall since finding out I was pregnant. I think it's a combination of "pregnancy brain" and just simply thinking about all of the stuff that needs to be done. Hang in there Momma!

Comment from Amanda_McDaniel » Posted Aug. 5, 2015 2:30pm
My fatigue was really bad at first but it gets better. I still get sleepy in the afternoon but I usually get a second wind by dinner time. Now nausea and an occasional but pesky headache are my companions. Hopefully the second trimester brings a change.

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