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Joined May. 19, 2015 8:29am

Summer0120's Pregnancy

My Due Date: January 20, 2016
I have given birth!
Age: 38 years old
Location: Iowa, United States

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My Journal

19 Weeks!
By Summer0120 » Posted Aug. 26, 2015 11:57am - 263 views - 5 comments

Almost half-way there. One week to go. Had an appointment with the surgeon today. He said that my uterus is now up to high, and he's afraid that taking out my gall bladder now would pose too many threats to Baby J. He is leaving it up to me. He said it still has to come out, but I could just suffer through the pain and wait until the baby is born. He also said he could tell I'm very stressed out. Which I am, but not something I try to let on. He is afraid that with my increase of symptoms I have stress ulcers. So I'm getting an endoscopy done next Thursday. Then my anatomy scan is the next morning. So I will discuss the results of the endoscopy with my OB doctor after my anatomy scan and ask their opinion on the gall bladder removal. I've been in so much pain lately which is causing nausea. So I've lost 4 pounds in less than a week. I'm tired cuz I can't sleep well. I'm irritated all the time, and I've absolutely had it with my SO. We have been fighting nonstop. I pretty much told him to F off today. He is just so immature sometimes, and I'm not getting the help around the house I need right now. He doesn't take anything very seriously. I swear sometimes all he sees is unicorns and rainbows in that mush of a brain of his. I just hope it's the stress causing all the fighting. Except the fighting is causing more stress.. so I'm at a loss. Gonna just have to wait and see what the doc says next week I suppose.
On a GOOD note: Baby J is moving almost nonstop now. I feel him/her pretty much throughout the whole day at different times. :)

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from thomasanddawnxoxo » Posted Aug. 26, 2015 5:24pm
my DH drives me crazy the opposite way lol. I haven't been doing much around the house and his running around doing dishes and laundry drives me nuts cuz even tho hes not I feel likes hes being judgy. lol. sometimes I just want to scream at him to sit down and let it go. HORMONES!! lol

Comment from Summer0120 » Posted Aug. 26, 2015 4:51pm
Thanks ladies! I'm hoping after my complete meltdown today, my SO will wake up and fix things. There are three other people in my house other than myself that are capable of doing dishes, picking up after dinner, switching the laundry, seeing the empty toilet paper roll, etc. I don't think I'm asking too much for them to take some initiative. Especially if wait until after the baby is born to do the surgery, so I'll be spending many more months in pain and still working full-time. That in itself is tiring enough.

Comment from pbc910 » Posted Aug. 26, 2015 3:06pm
My family is being similar with not helping out much because I am so active still. It causes me a ton of stress that I don't need! I haven't figured out a solution other than just not doing so much and letting them figure it out. I'm sure it;s a mix of hormones and stress contributing to the fighting but it's tough. When you feel like crap and then knowing something inside of you isn't working right and needs to come out. I hope your OB has a good plan of attack so you can get some relief. And furthermore, that your SO sees how much you are going through and can realize you need more help!

Comment from Basia30 » Posted Aug. 26, 2015 12:44pm
Guys are such a dummies sometimes :D Sorry about your pain and stress.

Comment from MalPal85 » Posted Aug. 26, 2015 12:10pm
Sorry your gall bladders is causing so much pain/stress but congrats on almost being half way there! My husband has been driving me nuts lately too. Hormones are such a bitch, haha. Good luck at your upcoming appointment!

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