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Joined Jul. 31, 2015 7:24am

SarahEMcCormick's Pregnancy

My Due Date: March 20, 2016
I have given birth!
Age: 40 years old
Location: Ft Myers, United States

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Glucola Test
By SarahEMcCormick » Posted Sep. 18, 2015 7:52am - 256 views - 3 comments

I went in yesterday for my 3 hour glucola test. They wanted to do it early on me to find out whether or not I have gestational diabetes, even though my A1C was normal at last check about a week ago. It was a 5.4 at that time. Now, the doctor recommended me for an early 3 hour test. It was pretty bad, to say the least, but I made it.

The drink itself, I think, was worse than getting stuck with a needle 5 times. 100 mg of sugar is more sugar than I have had in years and years. I was completely nauseated by the taste, and I was forced to drink the entire bottle down in under 2 minutes. It was so thick and sweet and downright gross. I am glad I got it over with quickly!

I had to get a blood draw before the drink itself, then a finger stick (which hurts far worse when the nurses do it, compared to doing it myself - idk why! I think its worse than getting blood drawn tbh) and then get my blood drawn every hour on the hour after that for three hours. One time, the nurse stuck me but couldn't hit a vein...that was annoying.

I checked my blood myself one hour after drinking the sugary mixture and it was 165. So, I know I failed the test. If it's anything over 130-140 at the most, it's a fail.

I spent most the day after that in a fog. I was fasting since 8 PM the night before, and didn't get the chance to eat until 1 in the afternoon. There was so much sugar in my system that anything I ate after that point, no matter what it was (unless it was pure protein) raised my sugar levels significantly. Therefore, I felt sick, foggy headed, and exhausted all day. I went to bed at 8:30 last night for the first time in forever, even though Im tired enough to sleep by that point every night lately. I got 9 hours of sleep, which was crazy. And even though I got so much sleep, I'm exhausted this morning - I call days like this sugar hangover days. If I have a day where I indulge in some sugar, I always feel it the next day and it feels like a hangover. It sucks.

So, now what? I don't know yet, exactly. I know that my midwife is supposed to call me this morning and advise me on what to do. I am more than likely going to see a diabetic specialist, a nutritionist, and perhaps begin medication (insulin and or metformin? Idk) and I'm not happy about it...not at all. But what can I do? I want my baby to be healthy and safe, so I will do anything.

My next appointment is Oct 2nd, and that's where I will be receiving a neuchal translucency screening, so I hear. I also complete the second integrated serum draw at this appt, I believe. We'll see.

How is everyone doing today?

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from Ilove40 » Posted Sep. 18, 2015 2:47pm
Thinking of you! Hopefully you are just looking at the glass half empty right now and you will end up with good news after all.

Comment from pbc910 » Posted Sep. 18, 2015 10:35am
I found this online:

This chart shows the levels that the American Diabetes Association considers abnormal at each interval of the test:

Interval Abnormal reading
Fasting 95 mg/dl or higher
1 hour 180 mg/dl or higher
2 hours 155 mg/dl or higher
3 hours 140 mg/dl or higher

So it doesn't necessarily look like you failed the test. They'd have to see what all your readings were.

Comment from MalPal85 » Posted Sep. 18, 2015 8:58am
Sorry you had to go through all of that but glad your getting answers early so you can do what you have to do to take care of that little baby!

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