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josamarie's Pregnancy

My Due Date: February 2, 2016
I have given birth!
Age: 37 years old

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Feeling good
By josamarie » Posted Jun. 24, 2015 1:21pm - 289 views - 2 comments

Had my consult with Perinatology yesterday, and then a nurse intake with my general OB's office today, and all around feeling pretty good about the way things have finally wound up playing out regarding medical care!

Met with 2 of the docs from the perinatology team, and they were wonderful! It was so nice to be treated like an intelligent adult with a valid opinion about my care, to be listened to. We talked about the bicornuate uterus, Dr. S says it would have always been there but that they can be easy to miss. It was clear from the way he talked that he doesn't have a very high opinion of the perinatology team at the other hospital, where I was seen for both my other pregnancies, and was pretty disgusted that a specialist missed such a "clear and distinct abnormality." That being said, he said not to worry about it, that they would reevaluate at my 20-week ultrasound and not to let it stress me out at all. He said with this degree, the biggest risks are preterm labor and breech presentation, but that since I delivered Max at 39 weeks with no early labor in a pretty text book, quick delivery, there is all the indications that my body has figured it out and isn't going to have a problem. They did adjust my lovenox dosage to twice a day and said with the severity of my PE, I was on too low a dose with Max and was lucky that I didn't have another clot while pregnant. He doesn't think that I need to be on the progesterone, but has no problem with me staying on it for peace of mind, and didn't make me feel like a moron for needing it. The plan is to induce at 39 weeks, possibly 38.5 because Max came at 39 on his own, so that I can make sure to be off the lovenox for 24 hours. I was terrified of induction with Max, a little less scared this time because I know my body knows how to do it and hopefully will just need a tiny push and not a huge intervention. Still holding onto hope that baby is cooperative like their big brother and just comes 2-3 days prior to induction on their own, but I don't think I'll get that lucky twice!

Spent 90 minutes going over health history and all questions with my OB's nurse, who is wonderful and I'm really looking forward to working with. We got everything scheduled for the next couple of months, things are going to be a little crazy because I wind up with double appointments some weeks, but feeling very confident in the care we'll be getting so pretty happy about that.

I also had a great impromptue meeting with my employers yesterday. Backstory: I have been struggling with the desire to quit for months. I was fortunate enough to come back part time after Max and they allow me to bring him with me to the office, which is amazing, but as he gets older and more mobile has become really difficult, and because I went off my anxiety meds when we started trying for #2, I have been really struggling with the stress. I actually tried to quit about 2 months ago and she begged me to stay, offering a further reduction in my hours. That worked for a couple of weeks, but inevitably duties started creeping back onto my plate and the stress got too high again. I also felt bad asking for time off for important family obligations (I wasn't able to go to SD when my terminally ill grandfather had surgery last week, and it was hard on me), so I have just been trying to find the courage to quit (on top of being my employers, they are also some of my best friends, which makes the whole thing more complicated).

So yesterday, they sat down with me and said they are aware that I'm struggling and would I be interested in moving into a very part-time consulting position? They will double my hourly rate and just need me for 2-3 hours a week, flexible and from home, and maybe a few extra hours during quarterly taxes. They also said we can try it for a few months and if it's still too hard or not what I want, they won't hold it against me if I quit before the baby comes, which was my biggest fear!

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from CrystalB88 » Posted Jun. 25, 2015 9:11am
I'm so happy you're happy with the care you're receiving!! It makes things easier when you're in good hands. I hope the employment works out for you. I'm now happy as a stay at home mom, myself, but do miss my job I was recently laid off from after 4 years of working there. I do wish I could have kept a part time position there... but, Tim keeps me busy 24/7 and now trying to plan for Baby 2, so I'm happy to be home to spend quality time with Tim before being busy with a newborn as well.

My regular OBGYN is on 3 month vacation and asked for my appointments to be with their new doc while he was gone, and they told me it would make things easier if I got to know all their doctors... I was so mad, I don't like their other doctor!! He made a big mistake with the pregnancy I lost at 19 weeks and just comes across as rude... so what if I want to be seen by the new doc instead?! I don't see how it can be that big of an inconvenience to schedule my appointments with the new doc...

Comment from pbc910 » Posted Jun. 25, 2015 8:36am
It is so nice to have doctors that care and listen. When I was seeing a reproductive endocrinologist, he talked down to me, made me feel stupid, and dismissed the treatment that my endocrinologist was doing for my thyroid. I was actually going to look for a new one then ended up getting pregnant and as it turns out, the RE I was going to start seeing is now my OB/GYN. Funny how things work out! Also, it's great things are working out job wise. That's one of my biggest concerns when these babies come but I know it will work out.

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