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Joined May. 13, 2013 4:49pm

josamarie's Pregnancy

My Due Date: February 2, 2016
I have given birth!
Age: 37 years old

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3 months... All of the sudden an infant'
By josamarie » Posted May. 5, 2016 12:47am - 330 views - 1 comment

I wasn't prepared for how much faster things fly by with the second baby! I feel like I just found out I was pregnant and here we are, almost a whole year later! Nina was 3 months last week and is officially not a newborn anymore, and boy is she letting us know. Though she's still a tiny peanut at 11lbs12oz, she can already roll in both directions (though she can only roll back to front when she's buck naked... I think her big old fluffy cloth diaper weighs her down!!) and is starting to coo and smile more and will now grab at toys and hair :/

She was back to her smiley self within a week of being released from the hospital, recovering from her cough much faster than anticipated, and has been doing her best to catch up on the weight she lost when she was sick (had been in the 30th percentile, dropped to the 8th, and is hovering around the 20th now), though you'd never guess how tiny she is by those cheeks, they must weigh a pound a piece. She's not even 22 inches long, just 5th percent for height, so she's a perfect chubby little lady, so different from her brother in build and temperament. He was always long and lean and very smiley, she's much more shy with her smiles, her grandma calls them her 'Mona Lisa smiles.'

Slow down, time! I'm so torn between wanting to hold on to each moment as long as possible and being so excited for what's next... The perpetual heartbreak of motherhood!

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from Starmama14 » Posted May. 5, 2016 1:03pm
She is such a little peanut and so adorable :) Glad she recovered quickly from her cough..she sounds like one tough little cookie! I know what you mean though - there are times when I wish I could slow down time so I can savor the moments but then I am excited and thinking about the next milestone or moment! :) Keep us updated on your little peanut!

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