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Joined Jun. 23, 2013 9:16am

So_much_hope's Pregnancy

My Due Date: March 3, 2014
I have given birth!
Age: 41 years old

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My Journal

Monday 12/09/13 - 28 Weeks!!! - 7 Months!!!
By So_much_hope » Posted Dec. 9, 2013 9:27am - 236 views - 1 comment

I have been so busy. So darn busy. Work has been crazy.. And I have been spending a lot of my free time trying to keep up on the cdtp forum. Those girls mean so much to me. They helped me out so much when I was at the lowest point in my life and I want to be there for them to support and encourage them through their ttc journey. Unfortunately that takes up a lot of my free time (like on the ferry) that I would usually use to journal.

I am off of work today. I took the day off :) But that came at the expense of working a few hours on both Saturday and Sunday. But I am off and its Monday!! Woohoo!! I plan to make an all encompassing to do list and go Christmas Shopping. We might get some snow today though so that might foil those plans...

Nothing too new in the pregnancy. I am having major problems with my back though...... There have been a couple days where I have wokend up at 2am with such a sore back I could hardly stand it. I can't sleep past 5 or 6am on the weekends because of my back and sometimes it acts up during the day. Its mostly my middle back when you'd think it'd be my lower back... I've also been feeling our little girl more and more. Last Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday she was pretty quiet and that scared me to death but she's been moving quite a bit.

It was so funny, yesterday I was laying kind of on my side with my shirt up because she was kicking like a man women and I LOVE to watch my belly move. Jeff came over and was like, "woah, I just saw something out of the corner of my eye, was that a big kick?" and before I could answer, she kicked again, a super hard one that made my belly jet out like a good inch. It freaked Jeff out. He likened it to people who freak out when they see blood. He said seeing my belly move and ultrasounds are like alien things and freak him out. It was pretty funny. I constantly am trying to video her doing rolls and kicks but every time I feel her going strong and I get my phone out to video her she stops. I am not sure if they temperature change of me pulling my shirt up scares her or what but its very annoying not being able to get her on video!!

My heartburn is picking up again too... The first week or so I took the protonix i was heartburn free except for one instance.. now I feel like I take supplemental tums every day sometimes twince a day. I think I took tums three times last night in the middle of the night :( I just can't imagine how horrible it would be if I weren't taking the protonix! Yikes!

Well, I'd better start my day. Lets see if I actually get off the couch!

Oh! Year it yesterday's bumpdate.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from CrystalB88 » Posted Dec. 13, 2013 8:40am
YAY for being 7 months!! I was just wondering about you, haven't heard from you in a while. But I understand about being busy!! My son does the same thing to me when I try to record him moving my belly!! I love watching him move, too, and lifting up my shirt slows him down... I always thought it was the light change, didn't think about temp! So I haven't been too successful with catching him on video... and he's more active around 1-2 in the morning LOL! So of course I can't catch him then. Sorry about the bad heartburn... I think mine is just now starting to show up, but it hasn't been bad or bothersome yet. My back used to bother me, but not so much anymore surprisingly... hope yours feels better soon!! Glad things are going so well for you with your daughter =)

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