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Joined Nov. 12, 2013 9:50am

mrsamanda's Pregnancy

My Due Date: July 24, 2014
I have given birth!
Age: 35 years old

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My Journal

Just for Fun.
By mrsamanda » Posted Apr. 11, 2014 9:51am - 208 views - 0 comments

1. When/how did you find out you were pregnant? November 2013, took a test.. or 3. Lol!
2. Who was the first person you told you were pregnant? I was on the phone with a TTC friend, and then I told my husband that night.
3. Where were you and when did you feel your baby first move or kick? It was Feb. 26, I was at home sitting on the couch watching TV with my hubby.
4. Did you have an ultrasound yet? What was it like? Obviously. It was kinda nerve wracking the first time because all I wanted was for everything to be in place and growing like it should.
5. Do you have a name chosen for your baby? If so, what is it and why did you chose it? Yes, we chose Henley. We heard it on a movie once while we were on vacation at the beach for our anniversary and we added it to our list of girl names, and haven't been able to agree on anything else ever since!
6. What has been the craziest piece of pregnancy related advice you have received thus far? I can't think of anything I've been told that's too crazy yet.
7. What is your biggest fear about labor and delivery? Feeling everything, despite having an epidural. I have an extremely low pain tolerance. Not the best thing to have when needing to vaginally deliver a baby, huh?
8. Have you had any weird pregnancy cravings or any abnormal aversions to foods you usually enjoy? Anything that sounds good at the time. Nothing too weird like pickles and ice cream yet. :P
9. How much weight have you gained? When did you have to start wearing maternity clothes? I have gained 3 pounds total, started wearing maternity clothes a few weeks ago. I'm still squeezing into my scrubs for work and wearing stretchy pants with t shirts.
10. What were your first pregnancy symptoms? Did you have morning sickness? I didn't really have many symptoms in the beginning. Just some light cramping, then started getting really nauseous and vomitting a few times after hitting 2nd trimester.
11. How many times have strangers touched your belly? No strangers. Besides my hubby, I've had maybe 1 or 2 people touch that I know.
12. Who has been your biggest support person during your pregnancy? My husband. Always.
13. What pressures and frustrations are you feeling right now? Money. It's always a worry. Feeling rushed to get the room painted and get the crib re-ordered so it can get here hopefully in one, undamaged piece. Making sure I have enough of everything I'm going to need when she comes. I hate to depend on my shower to provide me with everything I'm missing, but I do hope I get a lot of useful stuff that I registered for so I don't have to buy as much afterwards before she comes.
14. What are your hopes and dreams for your childâ??s life? I pray that she is healthy and happy and always feels loved and secure. I hope that she will follow her dreams and do what will make her happy no matter what anyone else thinks or says she should do with her life.
15. What changes have you noticed most in your body during pregnancy? Nipples have become darker and are growing in diameter, a few stretch marks on my belly, but nothing too bad yet. Fingers crossed!
16. Describe your most comfortable and fondest piece of maternity clothing. Where did it come
from? What does it look like? I haven't really found anything super comfy yet. I have some capri jeans that are decently comfy and any cute shirt that isn't tight around my arms or rides up and lets my belly hang out!
17. How active is your baby in your belly? Have you noticed any patterns of when he/she is asleep or awake? She seems to move the most during the day, but last night seemed like the first night she was off the chain! Moving and kicking and bouncing around. Hubby finally got to feel a really hard kick, I thought it was him psyching me out.
18. Have you had any humorous pregnancy moments during your pregnancy? Not yet.

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