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Joined Nov. 12, 2013 9:50am

mrsamanda's Pregnancy

My Due Date: July 24, 2014
I have given birth!
Age: 35 years old

My Journal

Hello Ladies!
Posted Oct. 10, 2014 1:13pm - 621 views - 4 comments
Can't believe my baby is almost 3 months old already! It's crazy how fast time passes. I started back to work yesterday and it's been really hard being away from her for 10 hours. I really hate it. I ... [Read more]
Almost 7 weeks old now!
Posted Sep. 3, 2014 5:48pm - 551 views - 6 comments
Gosh, the time has gone by so fast! She's getting so big and has already changed so much! I'm so sad that I will have to go back to work in just a few short weeks. We go to the beach next weekend for ... [Read more]
Almost 3 weeks old!
Posted Aug. 5, 2014 11:58pm - 529 views - 5 comments
Time can seriously stop passing now!! My baby will be 3 weeks old on Thursday! I have loved being a momma. I just want to bundle her up and squeeze her sometimes. Lol! She's the most beautiful thing I... [Read more]
Time is going by too fast!
Posted Jul. 28, 2014 5:24pm - 559 views - 5 comments
My baby is 11 days old! Time, slow down!! She has developed a case of Thrush in her mouth accompanied by a lovely diaper rash because of it. I feel so terrible. But, the ped called us in some Nystatin... [Read more]
Mommy Life <3
Posted Jul. 25, 2014 7:43am - 625 views - 8 comments
Sorry, I haven't been on to post a journal lately, but most of you already know our girl finally made her appearance via csection on July 17th @ 7:28am weighing 8 lbs 6 oz and 20.5" long. She cou... [Read more]
Last Journal before D-Day!
Posted Jul. 16, 2014 3:30pm - 1103 views - 16 comments
Doesn't seem like this time tomorrow our baby will be here and we will be official parents! It still doesn't feel REAL. I'm nervous, but not bad. I'm mostly just stressed and over thinking every other... [Read more]
Doctor's Appt!
Posted Jul. 14, 2014 11:33pm - 763 views - 14 comments
I had pretty much ZERO progression cervix-wise. Doctor said I basically had 2 options. 1) Come in at midnight Wed. night and start induction and see how things go, start Pitocin the next morning (Thur... [Read more]
Doc Appt Update!
Posted Jul. 8, 2014 9:25pm - 658 views - 13 comments
Well, no progress since last week. Cervix is still the same. I go back on Monday. So, hoping I've gif some kind of progression so doc will feel better about inducing me at 39 weeks next Thursday. We c... [Read more]