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Joined Nov. 12, 2013 9:50am

mrsamanda's Pregnancy

My Due Date: July 24, 2014
I have given birth!
Age: 35 years old

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My Journal

Time is going by too fast!
By mrsamanda » Posted Jul. 28, 2014 5:24pm - 558 views - 5 comments

My baby is 11 days old! Time, slow down!! She has developed a case of Thrush in her mouth accompanied by a lovely diaper rash because of it. I feel so terrible. But, the ped called us in some Nystatin oral medication and said we could use Lotrimin for her little bottom to help the rash go away. I hope it all starts working fast. I hate seeing that stuff on her. :(

On my end, I'm feeling close to normal agajn. I'm surprised at how fast I've healed and recovered. Everyone around me made it sound like the csection was going to be SO TERRIBLE! But, it's been pretty good. My incision is healed snd closed all the way up. There are still a few steri-strips stuck to me, but a bunch have almost completely come off on their own so I just pulled them off. The bleeding in the nether region is getting better. It's a LOT lighter and just annoying now because I still have to keep a pad on. I wish I could just wear a tampon. Ugh. I do NOT miss feeling like I'm wearing a diaper and leaking through my clothes when I'm not. Four more weeks is gonna kill me! Surprisingly, I'm ready to get back on the wagon!! :D Haha! Despite the lack of sleep! Also, I've officially lost all my pregnancy weight plus 8 pounds! That puts me 8 pounds less than where I was at when I got pregnant. I just hope it keeps going! Lol! Now, just to tighten up the flab!

I can't wait to see all these babies arrive!! Not much longer, ladies! Love you all and the bond we've all made on this wild ride! :)*

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from emmapeal9 » Posted Aug. 5, 2014 10:03pm
Try the Always Infinity with flex foam...doesn't feel like a diaper at all and super absorbent!

Comment from josamarie » Posted Jul. 30, 2014 11:33pm
She's so beautiful, those cheeks are too much!

Comment from mrsamanda » Posted Jul. 30, 2014 7:47am
Ash, I probably am delirious from the lack of sleep. Lol!!

Comment from BabyClaire11 » Posted Jul. 29, 2014 7:52am
My god she's adorable!! You grew a beautiful little human :p

Comment from AshleyLauren » Posted Jul. 29, 2014 12:13am
This journal entry made me smile. It seems you are a bit delirious, and I love it. You seem so happy and on cloud 9 (minus the rash & thrush on baby H.) She is so damn beautiful. The newborn pics should be in baby magazine or something. Go you on the weight loss already. Craziness! Glad you guys are all doing well. LYMI ;)

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