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snolie14's Pregnancy

My Due Date: August 11, 2018
I have given birth!
Age: 48 years old

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So, it Just Keeps Getting More Complicated...
By snolie14 » Posted Jun. 12, 2018 6:18pm - 325 views - 8 comments

Went today for my monthly ultrasound with MFM and again, her amniotic fluid is high, higher than last month so I have poly. NIPT came back with no problems, so genetic abnormalities are out of the picture, and her bladder and stomach was full, so she's swallowing ok. She just may have a lot of fluid, and me being 42 could be the reason? Anyways, after last month's scans, and being told accreta may not be an issue to today... where now they think the bladder MAY be involved (Percreta) - UGH. Anyways, the doctor was shocked I've had no bleeding, so he ordered a urinalysis - which just came back negative so no blood. Scan could just show the placenta CLOSE to my bladder. With a planned c-hyst, my hope is no percreta and just clamping the uters and be done with it all... so we will see. Oh, she didn't cooperate for pics, so none to attach today :-(

Another shot of steroids for baby girl tomorrow, today's hurt like the dickens! Slow and painful! Go back tomorrow for 2nd injection - to help lung development in case of pre-term labor or something else happens. The good news is, she's weighing in at 4lbs5oz today and in the 69th % so she's developing perfectly, which means poly could just be with an unknown cause. Either way, next week I start twice weekly NSTs... I swear, I am going to be living at the doctors office by the time this pregnancy is over!

Poly makes sense though... feeling HUGE, tired, swollen feet and ankles/legs, constipation and the like. Baby girl is trying to tell me she's gonna be hell on wheels! She's definitely trying to kill me already!

So, another ultrasound in 2 weeks to monitor her fluid, NSTs starting next week and I see my OB next week again as well. Hopefully baby girl can make it to 36 weeks! What doesn't kill us makes us stronger, right?! :-) Love you, Avery Lynn! Hopefully I'll have a date scheduled soon so I know when she's making her appearance!

If any of you are wanting an elective C-section - DON'T do it unless it's medically necessary! The risks of accreta are high and you don't want to worry your entire pregnancy...

**amniotic fluid went down - was 30 and now is 28 so doctors are much more comfortable and I am NOT as miserable**

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from snolie14 » Posted Jul. 11, 2018 12:02pm
@calvingirl - My doctor told me yesterday that I am quite lucky in that 2/3 or women with accreta and previa are on bed rest weeks before now. She said it's great that I am still working, cooking, doing my normal everyday things... granted, it takes me a lot longer to get it done and I have zero energy... I'd rather be up and moving than laid up in bed. 1 week today I will be driving right now to the hospital!!! Doc said she had a dream about me the other day, too! Nothing bad, but she dreamed of the delivery, and it was easy peasy! With each passing day, I get more and more anxious, nervous and excited! I am so done being pregnant hahaha! I am definitely taking it easy. Now that I am almost 36 weeks, the risk of bleeding and having to go early is still quite real. My doc is on call this weekend, so that's great! I guess my kids will have to help me more around the house with final cleaning this weekend! haha Poor schmucks! ;-)

Comment from calvingirl » Posted Jul. 10, 2018 6:27pm
Been better. Rough week for me. Migraines, nausea, rash, heartburn...all the stuff I skipped in the 1st trimester, it's coming back to haunt me in the 2nd :) Hopefully just a short phase. I already know I'm going to beg my doctor for bedrest near the end so my short term disability will kick in sooner. I wish I could beg for it now lol.

Comment from snolie14 » Posted Jul. 10, 2018 11:41am
@calvingirl I am doing good! Tired and tons of painful gas today LOL (trying to add a TON of fiber to help keep me regular). She will be here next Wednesday! A week today is my last day of work! I am getting more nervous than excited each day, as delivery approaches! Ah well... at least I'll be asleep for the entire thing so time will go fast for me! LOL How are you feeling?

Comment from calvingirl » Posted Jul. 9, 2018 5:50pm
How's everything going? How's little Avery doing and when does she make an appearance again?

Comment from snolie14 » Posted Jun. 13, 2018 1:01pm
@FlamingoGirl13 Poly is high amounts of amniotic fluid. In my case, they believe it to be just because of my age, I'm "advanced maternal age" (42). Her genetic testing is normal, she's swallowing and filling her bladder normally and growing great. I start Non stress tests twice weekly next week, to monitor her and I go back in 2 weeks for another scan to see if her fluid goes down any. It causes me symptoms though, so I'm swelling pretty bad, constipated, a lot of heartburn and I feel like I could pop, literally. Today is a bit better actually...

Comment from FlamingoGirl13 » Posted Jun. 13, 2018 12:32pm
Sorry to maybe sound ignorant but this is my first pregnancy so I don't have a lot of experience yet. What is poly? I hope your baby girl stays in there longer!

Comment from snolie14 » Posted Jun. 12, 2018 9:05pm
4 weeks ago I had high levels as well, ario that's why I'm going back in2 weeks to check it again. It increased from last month. Could just beshe has alot of fluid... more room to flip so I'm feeling everything. She's got her legs and hands in the same spot, which is bruising me on the inside! I'm quite uncomfortable with this little girl!!! LOL

Comment from aprilluvsmoz » Posted Jun. 12, 2018 8:39pm
With my pregnancy with Noah they said my fluid levels were high with him and they listed off every possible scenario as they did with you. Noah had urine in his bladder, kidneys looked good, no markers for downs. I did a repeat in two weeks and it was fine. They said it apparently was just the position that he was in.
Love the name Avery by the way.

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