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daisymai11's Pregnancy

My Due Date: July 17, 2015
I am postpartum » My due date was more than 2 weeks ago
Age: 31 years old

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Symptoms as im heading towards 2nd trimester.
By daisymai11 » Posted Jan. 6, 2015 2:00pm - 372 views - 3 comments

It occurred to me last night, as I lay awake in bed, that theres an awful lot of pregnancy symptoms I hadnt known about. Sure, theres the pretty obvious ones ?? morning sickness, tiredness, cravings and so on ?? but theres a whole load of others that have come as a surprise along the way.

?such as the following:

1) My hair doesnt fall out any more: pre-pregnancy, it used to fall out all the time. Despite the fact I still had so much of it, Id constantly lose lots of it; strands on my hairbrush, in the plughole, even on the floor. And now it doesnt. This is common, according to my hairdresser, and is often followed by most of it falling out post-birth. So thats something to look forward to then! But for now, Im ignoring that and am happily making the most of having lots of thick hair

2) Leg cramps: a few nights ago I was woken up by the agonising pain of my calf seizing up. Luckily, my husband woke up to help by sniggering loudly from the bed as I hopped around the room trying to make it feel better

3) Being really, really thirsty: Ive always drunk lots of water (and beer, and wine, and cocktails) but since getting pregnant Im really thirsty, all the time. And no matter how much water I drink the day before, Ill always wake up with a desert-dry mouth, and dull, throbbing headaches later on if I dont drink enough of it that morning.

4) * Disturbed sleep: Ive been having incredibly vivid dreams and nightmares the type where you have to claw your way back to consciousness, out of breath, and then you remain convinced theyre ever-so-slightly real for ages after. I knew that growing a little person makes you tired: in the first trimester Id want to go back to sleep as soon Id woken up, and would often be in bed by 9.30 (unheard of for me). But even now Im happily on my way towards the fourth month, no matter how tired I am Ill wake up in the night and then wont be able to go back to sleep for at least an hour. Its annoying and frustrating but hey, its a just a sign of whats to come later on

Have to say though that Im thankful these are only minor irritants, and Im loving pregnancy so far, its been pretty stress free.(apart from yhe worry of a miscarriage) ive tried to put that to the back of my mind and stay positive Im sure theres more to come though; any unusual symptoms youd like to share? xxx

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from Papas~Mama » Posted Jan. 7, 2015 12:22pm
Just wait til you start having sleep orgasms! Definitely one of the better perks of pregnancy;) But I've had some terrible dreams too and they feel very real. When I dye my roots(thanks to my Dad for early grays...) I always have a little more hair that falls out than normal brushing, right after I dye it. About a month ago when I did it, NOTHING fell out! I was amazed. The tired thing has come and gone for me the whole time(almost 33 wks now), and it lasts to this day. Yesterday I took a 4 hour nap AND slept all night long. Well, enjoy all the little things, pleasant or not, because it goes so fast and the total experience is so amazing. Congratulations!

Comment from princess2095 » Posted Jan. 7, 2015 12:10pm
The leg cramps are awful! I swear they prepared me for the pain of labor though...very very similar except your stomach not your leg.

Comment from ericalee » Posted Jan. 6, 2015 3:25pm
Agree with all of these!!! I noticed the waking up in the middle of the night and staying awake for an hour went away sometime in the second trimester so I hope you have the same thing. Although now it is replaced with getting up to pee or flipping over because my hips are sore from being on one side too long. HAHA. For the hair thing I have noticed that my hair is SO dry now. I know it's winter and all, but it's much worse than I have ever experienced so I think it is because of pregnancy. Not sure if it's because I'm having a girl or just pregnancy in general. The one other thing I noticed starting around 22w is my achilles tendon is SO tight if I sit too long. I look like a senior citizen when I first get up to walk. Agree that all of the random discomforts are totally worth it.

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