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Joined Jul. 31, 2015 7:24am

SarahEMcCormick's Pregnancy

My Due Date: March 20, 2016
I have given birth!
Age: 40 years old
Location: Ft Myers, United States

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My Journal

Blood Sugar Worries & My Weight Loss Story
By SarahEMcCormick » Posted Aug. 13, 2015 7:57am - 329 views - 7 comments

So, about 5 years or so ago, I was exceptionally overweight. I was about 225 at 5'4". Not good, obviously. I had been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes by an ER doctor when I went in for what I thought was a UTI. The excessive peeing was all attributed to high blood sugar, and he said my sugar was really high. When he called me after I had left the hospital with a prescription for antibiotics, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I mean, there was a lot of Diabetics in my family on both sides - but me? It couldn't be possible.

At the time, I had a primary care doctor who was a complete JERK to me, and told me when I had gone in to see him after that for a follow up, "Well, you're a cow, and that's why you now have diabetes."

Those few words changed everything for me.

I was told to eat the Paleo diet, which I followed to a T. I did everything I was supposed to. But, his Paleo diet wasn't helping me to lose weight - not the way I wanted to. I ended up eating my own diet, eliminating sugar, salt, fats, and exercising a lot. Eventually, it end up just being eating one time a day, no snacking, no excessive amounts of sugar, and hardly any exercise save for a walk here at there. In 2015, I was at my lowest weight I can recall since middle school - 145.

Fitting into a size 7 jeans was like a dream come true for me, after being in a size 15 and 17 all those years ago. I guess at that time, I never really cared about my body image, I didn't care about what I ate, and I didn't care what it might be doing to me in terms of health. I just loved food, and I wasn't ready to part with it - until I heard those words that changed my life.

Now that I'm very much in control of my eating habits and weight, and now that I have to eat more than one time a day, I do have some concerns and worries. Before finding out I was pregnant, I was 148 - I had gained a few pounds after being 145 because of late night snacking. My weight at last check was 154. So, because I've been eating every day, 3 meals a day or 6 small meals, depending upon how I feel that day with morning sickness, my weight is obviously increasing.

I didn't want to gain more than 15-20 lbs with this pregnancy because I felt I was at a sufficient weight prior to conceiving. My concern lies within my blood sugar. I saw it go from 94 pre-breakfast to 164 after a bowl of Special K, half a banana and some skim milk yesterday. That really worries me.

I called my Midwife's office, and I had my 8 week (first pre-natal appt) moved up to the 18th rather than the 25th because of my concern. I wish I could get in sooner than that, because I'm 6 1/2 weeks right now - the baby's organs are all developing, and the last thing I want to do is be the cause of any damage to her/his organs, or make the birth weight skyrocket.

I have been staying away from sugars for the most part - save for just a little bit here and there, and I'm having cravings for fruit that I'm trying to control. I think my biggest worry lies in breads and pastas, the bad carbs.

I guess I am just looking to see if anyone else here has gone through this, and how you naturally kept your sugar down? I'm not on any insulin or Metformin or anything, I have been completely diet controlled this entire time. Oh, I forgot to mention - I was told by other doctors I am NOT diabetic, but that I was pre-diabetic. I now have a new PCP as well, and have had her for a couple of years now. She's fabulous, I really like her - and she tells me I do not have diabetes but to watch my sugar.

So, I don't know what to think. Frustrated, that's for sure!

My readings from the past two days:

94 - pre bkfst
164 - Post breakfast
101 after dinner (about 2.5 hours later, forgot to test at the 2 hour mark) - still, not too shabby - right on point to where it should be - I ate baked mac and cheese and salad


92 Pre- Breakfast
96 2 hours after bkfst

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from mnor0406 » Posted Aug. 13, 2015 5:48pm
Before I started trying for a baby I was diagnosed with pcos and failed both a 1 hr and 3 hr glucose test. I was then labeled as pre-diabetic but I lost some weight and my numbers came back to normal. During my recent pregnancy I let my ob know I was worried about it and asked them to screen me early for gd. So I did the glucose test at 13 weeks and 26 weeks. The early screening made me feel better.

Comment from SarahEMcCormick » Posted Aug. 13, 2015 12:48pm
pbc910 - I agree wholeheartedly. That guy called himself a doctor, but he was an ass. That's the truth of the matter. Apparently, he was a military doctor, and had dealt with wounded and hurt and sick individuals from the Vietnam era, and he was so jaded to everything that it made him into this stone cold jerk without a heart. How can someone be a doctor, if they don't care about people with a heart to help them, rather than hurt them? Blows my mind. I was so upset after I left there that day, he made other comments too like, "Don't you want to look fit, like a lady should, so you can wear cute outfits like other girls your age?" That, too, blew my mind and made me cry.

I should have responded with, "No, of course I don't want to wear cute outfits and be fit...why would I ever want to do that?"

He was a tool. And the last I heard, he (thank GOD) lost his license to practice medicine in another state, and therefore lost his license in FL as well. Good riddance

Comment from SarahEMcCormick » Posted Aug. 13, 2015 12:45pm
Thanks so much, ladies. I'm glad to know you guys think my sugar is on track, because the higher numbers have been worrying me - especially those in the 160s. I heard from a nurse at my new doctor's office that 160 was super high and I should be concerned. I'm hearing conflicting things all across the board, and reading conflicting numbers on the internet. I guess I can ask my midwife when I go in on the 18th and see what she has to say. I am keeping a log of my numbers to bring with me. It's stressful when I feel super hungry but my numbers aren't where they need to be in order for me to eat something. I just want them to be on track! Thanks for listening to me vent! xo

Comment from Cattsmeow » Posted Aug. 13, 2015 10:38am
Sounds like you're doing great! The numbers all look normal to me. I would just continue to watch your diet, but like I said, it sounds like you're doing great!

Comment from pbc910 » Posted Aug. 13, 2015 9:51am
Those readings look within range. Normal readings for 1-2 hours after a meal should be under 180. Mine have always been at the higher end and my doctors never bat an eye about it. My husband is diabetic and he simply watches his sugar and carb intake and limits those. He was able to bring his blood sugar to normal by doing that even though his doctor said he would have to take 2 insulin shots and metformin the rest of his life. I would listen to your current PCP because she sounds a lot more competent than the a-hole that called you a cow (I mean who does that!!?!?!?).

You are watching the sugar intake, which is great and sometimes all you can do. I'm not an expert by any means but I know that to cause issues with your baby, you'd have to have prolonged high blood sugar (uncontrolled blood sugar that is). Looks like right now everything is where it should be.

Comment from SarahEMcCormick » Posted Aug. 13, 2015 9:36am
Congrats to your dad! That's so awesome, and really impressive that he would be able to change his lifestyle so much on his own. Also, thank you so much for the encouragement and kind words regarding my kids looking up to me. I truly hope I am inspiring them to make healthy eating choices - it's easy to do once you get into the swing of it being a lifestyle, and not a diet or fad. That was the hardest part for me at the beginning...wanting to eat right was not something I cared about - but I sure do now! :) Thanks for taking the time to comment and read my journal entry! xo

Comment from thomasanddawnxoxo » Posted Aug. 13, 2015 8:50am
My dad became diabetic after becoming very obese. He did the same as you and took control of his diet. Within a year his diabetes was gone he didn't have to take the pills and he had dropped a ton of weight. Now he's vegan and just eats whatever and whenever he wants and is doing great. I admire those of you that can make such dramatic changes in your lives for the sake of your health. And from my own experience watching my dad , I know your kids are really looking up to you as a role model, and are better for it. They will probably be really heath conscious.

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