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SarahEMcCormick's Pregnancy

My Due Date: March 20, 2016
I have given birth!
Age: 40 years old
Location: Ft Myers, United States

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My Journal

By SarahEMcCormick » Posted Sep. 29, 2015 9:37am - 1158 views - 9 comments

So, this may be TMI for some - so if you have a difficult time reading about gross discharges and things like that, you may want to leave the blog now before this disturbs you.

I had quite a bit of dark brown (very dark brown, almost like dark chocolate colored) discharge last night, which started off thin and then got thicker in consistency. I have no idea where it came from - but my husband said it looked like it must have been old blood and that the tear itself is still bleeding, but I just hadn't had any bleeding or spotting for a few days and it must have built up. I think he's right. There were also what appeared to be brewed coffee ground looking things in the thicker discharge - I'm assuming those were small pieces of old or dried up blood. Quite disgusting, if I do say so myself.

This morning, the discharge is still there, but now it's turned almost black. It has a lot of stringy material within it. I have absolutely no idea what the heck it is, but it looks terrifying. I sent my midwife an e-mail and I'm waiting on hearing back from the nurse or my midwife herself. I also have an appointment on Friday, for my regular 14 week checkup, and it just can't seem to get here fast enough.

I haven't yet caved and bought a dopplar, but I will be buying one this weekend - rather, I'm going to have my hubby buy it for me because I'm currently broke (still looking for work). I chose the one I want, it's the Angel Sounds Fetal Dopplar. I have heard great things about it, plus its inexpensive. I will feel so much better when I have one of those on hand.

This entire SCH ordeal has been extremely trying emotionally, as well as tiring. I have done a lot of worrying, but at the same time, I've been doing a lot of praying and trying to keep the faith more than ever. It's not always easy, especially when you hear about other women who've gone through this and then lost their babies. It's easy to lose hope sometimes. I am trying not to let myself get caught up in worry and fear, though. Sometimes it's easier said than done.

On top of the funky discharge, I've got a horrible migraine - I've been getting them a lot over the past couple weeks. I don't know if it's from stress, or somehow directly related to the SCH, or if it's just pregnancy in itself. And my face is so broken out, I could almost pass for a teenager. And the weirdest thing - today, when I sat down to pee a little while ago - I had this horrible sharp, shooting pain inside of my vagina. What the heck is that about?? What is happening to me? :(

I never had so many problems in any of my other four pregnancies before. I never assumed if I got pregnant again, that this would be how things would go. Never did I imagine I would have so many issues. I know every pregnancy is different (I hear this from my mom on an almost daily basis) but still; you'd think it would be somewhat similar to at least one of my other pregnancies. Nope. Not even a little.

My husband says its because he thinks I'm too old to be having another baby. :/ I'm only going to be 32 in November. Do any of you think my age has anything to do with the level of difficulty I'm experiencing this time around? Do you think in all honesty that I'm too old??

I will keep you guys updated as I hear anything or find anything out. Thanks for being so sweet, commenting, and thinking about me. xo

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from tmhess » Posted Sep. 29, 2015 12:14pm
I had a lot of heavy bleeding during my first trimester. It was for a different reason but it was as heavy as a medium menstrual flow at times. The black stringy looking discharge is actually old blood mixed with your normal vaginal discharge from pregnancy itself. I know it looks weird and strange but it really is old blood working it's way out and mixing with your increased vaginal discharge.

I got used to the way blood looked during my first trimester. Fresh blood would be bright red or pink and then throughout the day my discharge would change to the that pinkish brown color, and eventually over the next 2-3 days it would come out very dark chocolate/black. It doesn't take much to tinge your vaginal discharge. So it can look like there is a TON of old blood coming out but its really just normal discharge colored by the old blood.

And btw, you are not too old! A 15 year old can have a SCH. It isn't based on your age. I work in the medical field and see them with all ages.

Comment from MalPal85 » Posted Sep. 29, 2015 11:13am
Sorry you're dealing with so much. I definitely do not think 32 is too old to have a child. I got that sharp shooting pain a couple of times a while back when I was using the bathroom but it was more on my left front side and in my back. Just stay positive and let us know how your appointment goes on Friday. Good call on e-mailing your Doctor though. I send messages through the on-line porter with my Doctors office when I have concerns just to put my mind at ease.

Comment from pbc910 » Posted Sep. 29, 2015 10:32am
I asked my doctor about the vaginal and cervical pain I was having. He said it was normal. I hate that, it's like TELL ME WHY it's normal. What is going on? I still get the vaginal shooting pains every so often. It's the most unpleasant, unnerving thing especially since I always got those types of sensations during my period.

Comment from SarahEMcCormick » Posted Sep. 29, 2015 10:25am
Basia - Thank you for commenting and giving your input. Actually, this bleeding and the discharge is caused by a subchorionic hemorrhage which is a tear between the uterus and the placenta, and in which a blood clot forms and bleeds. Its a scary thing, and when I first found out I had it, it was because I was gushing bright red blood for about 5 hours. I had gone to the ER where they did an internal exam and ultrasound and diagnosed it. So, even though my midwife has told me not to stay on bedrest, it seems like the majority of doctors tell their patients to remain on bedrest, so thats pretty much what I've been doing. This brown/ black blood is just weird, because I haven't had anything like this - so I'm hoping it's just old blood. I've refrained from sex for the past 9 days since I found out, and I will not engage in that until I see my midwife Friday as she asked me to do. Thanks for commenting and sharing your story!

Comment from SarahEMcCormick » Posted Sep. 29, 2015 10:21am
Thank you, pbc for commenting and giving your input. You're right - a lot of times, its just luck. It is SO frustrating when there's no reason for something like this, and the doctors can't offer much reassurance, and it's more of a wait and see game. I hate that so much. It makes me feel a bit better to know you have experienced the blackish discharge before, so it's not just me and now it doesn't feel like something terrible is wrong. I have told a couple other people about the vaginal pain and they seem to be getting it confused with round ligament pain, which I also have, but it's something completely different. Either way - yes, its good that I have the doctor on Friday. Can't wait to get some reassurance at least that the baby is okay!

Comment from Basia30 » Posted Sep. 29, 2015 10:09am
Sarah - few weeks ago at approximately 14 weeks pregnant I had brownish discharge which was old blood. After that I was spotting for few days and I went to ER to get it checked out. Baby was fine and they could not locate where blood was coming from exactly. It stopped after 2 days. Then 5 days later I started to spot again and that lasted almost a week.
Seeing blood is super scary but both my OBGYN and ER staff said that as long as it is not bright red blood and lots of it (like a period) and as long as I am not having cramping with it most likely everything is ok and baby is ok.
It is difficult but try to stay calm. Maybe placenta is rubbing against your cervix or maybe you had an intercourse with your husband and your cervix got irritated.
There is a lot of maybes but if you continue to bleed and feel very uneasy with it just go get it checked out.

Comment from pbc910 » Posted Sep. 29, 2015 9:55am
I don't think you are too old at all! Sometimes we have medical issues that impact our pregnancies and sometimes it's just luck of the draw so to speak. A lot of times too with these sorts of things, there are no reasons, which is super frustrating. You have every right to worry but the good news is that you are being seen Friday so hopefully you'll get some more explanations and reassurance. I also don't know much about SCHs but the darker discharge could definitely just be old blood that collected in your uterus and just now was able to get out. I experienced this a lot during many of my periods - I would get really thick, almost black looking discharges near the end and I just attributed it to leftover heavy flow. I've also experienced that sharp, shooting pain too at many times during these past 7 months. Could be simple uterine stretching. I used to get it a lot when I would stand up but it eventually went away.

Comment from SarahEMcCormick » Posted Sep. 29, 2015 9:51am
Thank you April - I really appreciate the understanding and kind words xo I will do my best to remain positive, especially when it gets rough. Thank you, again, hun!

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