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Category: Relationships During Pregnancy

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Q: Mine and DH's relationship just not the same anymore. NEED ADVICE!

Me and DH have almost always had a good relationship and after we found out I as pregnant we were thrilled, but I'm now almost 16 weeks and things aren't the same anymore, probably not since 12 weeks. Maybe it's the hormones taking over but it just doesn't seem like he wants to be around me anymore. We used to be intimate with eachother fairly often and now I'm lucky if it's once every couple of weeks, and that's only because I practically force myself on him. It's not even enjoyable anymore cause I don't feel like he wants it. He says he's just tired from work but he's not working anymore than he has before. I'm tired too, but I still have the energy to love him. It just really hurts and I don't know what to think of it. It's like he's a different person, he's not even playful anymore. I don't know what to anymore, I'm literally crying every night thinking I'm in bed with someone who doesn't want me there... Has anyone else had this problem with their significant other?

This question was asked Dec. 29, 2012 6:47am
Category: Relationships During Pregnancy

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Answered by Carenda1219 - Jan. 5, 2013 5:20pm
My DH is very loving as well as supportive, we both wanted our little one so badly and we are both very excited now that we are expecting. To be honest we have not had any issues and he had not changed toward me. If anything I was the scared one, I told him that we could not do anything until we got the go ahead from my doc. I wanted to make sure it was safe and all, this is my first pregnancy. Now when we do anything he is always so gentle with me, always asks if I am ok or if I feel to much pressure or anything like that. He is not scared or worried at all, just always makes sure I feel ok.

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Answered by nwelch - Dec. 30, 2012 3:26am
It was the same for for me. I know exactly how you feel. My husband didnt want sex my whole pregnancy. I felt so disconnected from him. I had my baby 2 weeks ago and he told me it was because he didnt want to hurt the baby and he said it was just uncomfortable with my belly. Now I still have to wait another 4 weeks before we can do it again. I can't wait to have that connection back again. Since the baby he's been very loving and is so in love with our little girl. I know it's hard, but you will get through it. Try not to take it so personal. I did, but now I kinda understand why. Hang in there girl and congrats on your pregnancy.

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Answered by BabyMoore13 - Dec. 29, 2012 3:52pm
Sorry I had some difficulties trying to submit my answer:/ didn't mean to comment that many times lol

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Answered by BabyMoore13 - Dec. 29, 2012 3:49pm
I have been feeling like that also. I told him how I've been feeling (plenty of times) and that our relationship needs more affection. He wasn't trying to hear it at the time but he definitely got it and we have worked on it. Your DH may be worrying about some things and has a lot on his mind also. The best thing to do is just to let him know in a way that doesn't make him feel bad and that you want the best for your relationship. You also can find new hobbies to try so that you won't be worrying about him so much to keep you busy so that he misses you and wants to spend some time with you (cause they sure do notice when we're not thinking about them anymore lol)! I know exactly how you feel and it's the hormones too. Congrats on your pregnancy and hope I could help:)

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Answered by BabyMoore13 - Dec. 29, 2012 3:49pm
I have been feeling like that also. I told him how I've been feeling (plenty of times) and that our relationship needs more affection. He wasn't trying to hear it at the time but he definitely got it and we have worked on it. Your DH may be worrying about some things and has a lot on his mind also. The best thing to do is just to let him know in a way that doesn't make him feel bad and that you want the best for your relationship. You also can find new hobbies to try so that you won't be worrying about him so much to keep you busy so that he misses you and wants to spend some time with you (cause they sure do notice when we're not thinking about them anymore lol)! I know exactly how you feel and it's the hormones too. Congrats on your pregnancy and hope I could help:)

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Answered by BabyMoore13 - Dec. 29, 2012 3:49pm
I have been feeling like that also. I told him how I've been feeling (plenty of times) and that our relationship needs more affection. He wasn't trying to hear it at the time but he definitely got it and we have worked on it. Your DH may be worrying about some things and has a lot on his mind also. The best thing to do is just to let him know in a way that doesn't make him feel bad and that you want the best for your relationship. You also can find new hobbies to try so that you won't be worrying about him so much to keep you busy so that he misses you and wants to spend some time with you (cause they sure do notice when we're not thinking about them anymore lol)! I know exactly how you feel and it's the hormones too. Congrats on your pregnancy and hope I could help:)

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Answered by BabyMoore13 - Dec. 29, 2012 3:49pm
I have been feeling like that also. I told him how I've been feeling (plenty of times) and that our relationship needs more affection. He wasn't trying to hear it at the time but he definitely got it and we have worked on it. Your DH may be worrying about some things and has a lot on his mind also. The best thing to do is just to let him know in a way that doesn't make him feel bad and that you want the best for your relationship. You also can find new hobbies to try so that you won't be worrying about him so much to keep you busy so that he misses you and wants to spend some time with you (cause they sure do notice when we're not thinking about them anymore lol)! I know exactly how you feel and it's the hormones too. Congrats on your pregnancy and hope I could help:)

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Answered by BabyMoore13 - Dec. 29, 2012 3:49pm
I have been feeling like that also. I told him how I've been feeling (plenty of times) and that our relationship needs more affection. He wasn't trying to hear it at the time but he definitely got it and we have worked on it. Your DH may be worrying about some things and has a lot on his mind also. The best thing to do is just to let him know in a way that doesn't make him feel bad and that you want the best for your relationship. You also can find new hobbies to try so that you won't be worrying about him so much to keep you busy so that he misses you and wants to spend some time with you (cause they sure do notice when we're not thinking about them anymore lol)! I know exactly how you feel and it's the hormones too. Congrats on your pregnancy and hope I could help:)

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Answered by BabyMoore13 - Dec. 29, 2012 3:47pm
I have been feeling like that also. I told him how I've been feeling (plenty of times) and that our relationship needs more affection. He wasn't trying to hear it at the time but he definitely got it and we have worked on it. Your DH may be worrying about some things and has a lot on his mind also. The best thing to do is just to let him know in a way that doesn't make him feel bad and that you want the best for your relationship. You also can find new hobbies to try so that you won't be worrying about him so much to keep you busy so that he misses you and wants to spend some time with you (cause they sure do notice when we're not thinking about them anymore lol)! I know exactly how you feel and it's the hormones too. Congrats on your pregnancy and hope I could help:)

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Answered by BabyMoore13 - Dec. 29, 2012 3:46pm
I have been feeling like that also. I told him how I've been feeling (plenty of times) and that our relationship needs more affection. He wasn't trying to hear it at the time but he definitely got it and we have worked on it. Your DH may be worrying about some things and has a lot on his mind also. The best thing to do is just to let him know in a way that doesn't make him feel bad and that you want the best for your relationship. You also can find new hobbies to try so that you won't be worrying about him so much to keep you busy so that he misses you and wants to spend some time with you (cause they sure do notice when we're not thinking about them anymore lol)! I know exactly how you feel and it's the hormones too. Congrats on your pregnancy and hope I could help:)

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