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Category: Labour & Delivery

Asked by kpax21

Q: Anything happen during or after your csection you weren't expecting/prepared for?

Just wanted to see if anyone has any csection advice for me. I'm having my twin boys on October 15th and was just wondering if anyone was surprised by something that happened during or after your csection? Good or bad. Or if maybe it wasn't as painful as you expected. I'm a little bit nervous about the whole thing especially the healing part. Seems like a lot if what I've read its pretty painful. Eek!

Feel free to elaborate...I don't want any surprises!!!

This question was asked Sep. 30, 2014 11:37pm
Category: Labour & Delivery

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Answered by running19 - Oct. 1, 2014 4:07am
I had two c-sections and a VBAC. While I am trying for another VBAC it wasn't because of any issue with the c-section or recovery. My only thing with my c-sections was not being able to hold them right afterwards. I didn't like being on the sidelines, so to speak. Other than that, honestly, there was less pain than after the vaginal birth (significant tearing), and I was surprised by how quickly I recovered. I would agree with the previous poster that things were back to normal within a couple of weeks. GL and congrats on the twins!

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Answered by lyssa7872 - Oct. 1, 2014 3:25pm
- While in the hospital TAKE YOUR PILLS. The worst part is the couple days right after. Stay on top of the meds so you don't have to deal with it. They take about an hour to kick in, and you don't want to be in pain THEN take them. By the time I went home I was cutting way back on pain meds.
- The OR is freezing, but they try to keep you warm. , you may feel some tugging, but no pain during surgery. I got to watch mine, which may freak some people out, but it was super cool! If youve seen any vids they can be a little rough, but not all docs do it that way. Mine was very gentle taking baby out.

I loved the recovery from my c sections. So easy. :)
Good luck and enjoy your twins! If you have any questions feel free to messa

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Answered by estone - Oct. 1, 2014 2:55am
I had an emergency csection at 34 weeks with my first and it was very traumatic. With my daughter, we had a scheduled csection and it was amazing! No pain during, only minor discomfort afterwards. I healed within a couple weeks and was back to myself within a week. If I have any more, I will definitely have another scheduled csection. I would recommend a belly support band for after. I used the Abdomend support belt and it was a life saver!

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Answered by Chestnutroast - Oct. 16, 2014 2:12am
It looks like i'm too late now as my laptop says 16th oc.
Anyway my 1st was an emergency and was very sore and i was very bruised for along time,i was walking like John wayne for a couple of weeks at least.
my second was planned and i could feel them doing the operation,I told my midwife this time and she thought i meant the tugging... sadly no i clearly needed more pain killer but for some strange reason i didn't say anything.
I felt very sore and it felt like they had cut me across my middle not my bikini line,it got so sore i started to try to see what they was doing.
I will be telling them about that and if i do feel anything this time i will not be silent.
After the op i discovered I no longer had the feeling of needing a wee,yes can't feel that i need a piddle and i only found this out from the pain i was getting which was caused by my full bladder.
I know i need a wee by the pressure and if i leave it too long going due to not feeling much it's the pain that tells me.

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Answered by Chestnutroast - Oct. 16, 2014 2:21am
i ran out of space on my other post,
You have to inject you're self in the tummy as well when i was home for about 5 days,it's to stop clotting.
the last 2 needles was the worse as the feeling was coming back at that point,the last one was horrible,all the feeling was back but had to do it.

One of my friends had a section in the spring and had to go in for an op thanks to them leaving a small bit of placenta inside her.
she's ok now but she had been in pain since the section and hadn't stopped bleeding,the was 3 months since the section and having the piece removed.

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Answered by kpax21 - Oct. 1, 2014 11:32pm
Thanks for all the advice everyone! Seems like overall yall have had pretty good experiences with csection! Thanks for easing my nerves!

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Answered by lyssa7872 - Oct. 1, 2014 3:21pm
I had 2 c sections, one emergency one planned, and they both were good, but the planned one was best. Here are a few things you may already know, but might help you out :)
- You may get sick during the surgery - nausea, or headaches. The first time I had both of these, it's from the meds and you blood pressure. Just be SURE to tell the nurses whenever you feel even a little sick. The second time I didn't have this problem at all
- You'll get to see baby right away, but then you go to recovery for about an hour. Sometimes if the nurses have time they will bring your baby to you in recovery so you can nurse or see them, but it doesn't always happen. It didn't happen for me either time. Ususally it takes about an hour for you to be able to move your legs, and that's when you get to go to your regular room
- You may be afraid to laugh, cough, or poop....but it won't be as bad as you think. :)

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Answered by Michelleferrier1 - Oct. 1, 2014 6:19am
I had a planned c-section with my daughter and it was so so so much better then I anticipated it to be, once the spinal block started wearing off I had a bit of discomfort but nothing serious and it just got better from there, once I was home I was back to normal within a couple of days and very rarely needed to take pain killers. Good luck and hoping your experience of a c-section is great.

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Answered by dakotagurrl - Oct. 3, 2014 9:29pm
I had an emergency csection and it effing sucked ass! The one thing I wasn't expecting afterwards, was the way I was checked by the nurses. Idk if its done this way everywhere or if I just had the worst nurses alive, but when they palpate the uterus...omfg I saw stars. They pushed down and did deep circular motions in 3 different spots, it hurt like a mofo!! Then my OB came in to check me and it was nothing...Im assuming the nurses either have no clue or no care. Another thing I didnt expect, was to have my cath pulled out and be forced to walk 8hrs after surgery...again, shitty nurses, my OB was livid (they got new assholes that day hahaha). Full (external) healing time was a cpl weeks, but I was walking up/down stairs at home on day 2. I got by on 400mg Motrin til day 4-5, then I stopped taking them cuz Im not a fan of taking things that aren't needed/beneficial. I'm sure u'll do just fine, planned sections are soooo much better (so I hear!).
Good luck! =))

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Answered by estone - Oct. 3, 2014 8:30pm
With my planned csection, they put my daughter on my chest right after she was pulled out, while they were delivering the placenta and stitching me back up. She didn't leave my side from the moment she was born. Many hospitals are changing that protocol of c-sections now.

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