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Category: Miscarriage & Loss

Asked by a member

Q: So I have been thinking alot about my past miss misscarriage..

I have been stressed that this one may go the same way but I have a feeling it definatly wont! In my last pregnancy I had a severe urine infetion from 8 weeks onwards... so bad I needed to sit in boiling hot baths days on end to take away the yucky feeling... then I read hot baths can be very dangerous for the baby. Becuase it wasnt a natural misscarriage, could this have been the cause for the babys heart to stop beating? Anyway, was just on my mind, im avoiding hot baths and showers alltogether this time.

This question was asked Mar. 29, 2012 10:16pm
Category: Miscarriage & Loss

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Answered by Hayleh - Jul. 7, 2018 2:34pm
Hi there! Sorry about your previous loss. Glad that you didn't give up and take that positive. You should not lose hope. Infertility now can be treated very easily. There may some reasons that create complications between you and your baby. You just have to go for checkup regularly. It is very necessary if you want to defeat the infertility problem, you should be a positive attitude and positive affirmation in their life. It is medically proved that the main reason for infertility is stress and depression. Take care.

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Answered by crystallove - Feb. 10, 2018 8:42pm
Well, I am glad that you have been thinking about your past MC in a positive way. if you really look at the number of MC these days they account for 25% of pregnancies. Considering there are billions of women the number of MC are in million. This message is for all the women who have gone through MC and think that the reason behind them is always unknown. That is almost never the case. In most of the cases, MC can be avoided.Sorry to say but if you ladies really want a baby you have to through a certain change in lifestyle.Hot baths are instant baby killers for male and females.I am surprised you weren't aware of that before but its ok these things happen.I would advise you to look into other things as well that cause miscarriage.start doing yoga it will help relax the lower abdomen muscles as well as tight hamstrings and back. Stretch these three body parts very carefully and you will get much better results this time. For some inconvenience, you can fix your problems. Take care of yo

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Answered by janastep73 - Apr. 4, 2012 8:20am
I also read that hot baths are bad during pregnancy, and that if the water is hot enough to where when you step in it, you have to take your foot out, it's too hot. You can sweat to cool off when you get hot; your baby can't.

good luck; i recently lost my baby at 10 weeks.

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Answered by jenn945 - Feb. 20, 2018 1:07pm
well, i feel like these must be not the reason.During pregnancies, one feels that she is doing something wrong every time.This is all very normal.You must be happy for the big news now.You must not think about the past.But just to make sure that you had nothing to do with it.You must consult a doctor.But hopefully, this was all natural.No mother can do such a thing to her baby.

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Answered by alicee - Jul. 7, 2018 8:30am
Hi there! Sorry about your previous loss. Glad that you didn't give up and take that positive. You should not lose hope. You can defeat infertility problem very easily. There may some reasons that create complications between you and your baby. You just have to go for checkup regularly. Avoiding things for your own good is best for one's self. Wishing that all your trials may vanish away. Take care.

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Answered by emly21 - Aug. 26, 2018 12:51pm
Hello there! I am so sorry to hear about your loss. Miscarriage is the worst thing It takes a lot from women. I had not any experience of MC. But I had experience of infertility. Actually, I'm suffering from Mitral stenosis. Its a type of heart disease. That's why I couldn't give birth to my child. My fertility clinic suggests me surrogacy. After a long time of struggle, Finally, Yesterday I hold my baby in my hands. That was the pleasurable movement for me. I advise you to consult with a good clinic. I must suggest you take the proper test. I do prayers for you that you will become a mother soon. Take care of yourself. Good luck.

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Answered by emly21 - Aug. 26, 2018 12:52pm
Hello there! I am so sorry to hear about your loss. Miscarriage is the worst thing It takes a lot from women. I had not any experience of MC. But I had experience of infertility. Actually, I'm suffering from Mitral stenosis. Its a type of heart disease. That's why I couldn't give birth to my child. My fertility clinic suggests me surrogacy. After a long time of struggle, Finally, Yesterday I hold my baby in my hands. That was the pleasurable movement for me. I advise you to consult with a good clinic. I must suggest you take the proper test. I do prayers for you that you will become a mother soon. Take care of yourself. Good luck.

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Answered by alicee - Aug. 26, 2018 7:25am
Miscarriages can have many reasons. I don't think the reason you are telling is valid for miscarriage. It can cause due to fetal abnormalities, weak health and also by taking the stress. I'm so sorry for your loss. I can feel your pain. Losing the baby in your womb the worst thing happens to a woman. You should consult some expert. There are many fertility clinics working. This helps a lot of couples. As when I was facing the same issue. I had a lot of miscarriages. This leads me to hopelessness. But with the help of best fertility clinic in Europe I tried to manage my health. I had IVF from theirs. Now I am a mother of twins. I hope your problems will also be sorted out. Just don't lose hope or stress out. You should also consult that clinic. Good luck.

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Answered by sweetraquel - Jul. 7, 2018 1:24pm

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Answered by colormepink28 - Mar. 30, 2012 12:11pm
I love my hot showers, i sit in them and relax...but once pregnant, your not suppose to have more than a warm shower/bath. I've been reading and the main cause for concern is the hot water can raise your body temperature which is very bad for baby if it gets over 102. I know that if my shower feels too hot on my belly, my little man in there starts kicking like crazy...not sure if he feels it heating up in there or not but when i feel that it always concerns me enough to turn it down some. But really, the concern is your core body temperature getting too high...it would be the same if you got sick and ran a fever. Hope that helps you understand but i couldn't tell you one way or another if it would cause a miscarriage. Sometimes, they just aren't meant to make it all the way for one reason or another. I love my first at 12.5 weeks and no doctor can tell me why. It just wasn't meant to be. Good luck and i pray you have a happy and stress free (for babys sake) 40 weeks.

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