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Category: Miscarriage & Loss

Asked by a member

Q: So I have been thinking alot about my past miss misscarriage..

I have been stressed that this one may go the same way but I have a feeling it definatly wont! In my last pregnancy I had a severe urine infetion from 8 weeks onwards... so bad I needed to sit in boiling hot baths days on end to take away the yucky feeling... then I read hot baths can be very dangerous for the baby. Becuase it wasnt a natural misscarriage, could this have been the cause for the babys heart to stop beating? Anyway, was just on my mind, im avoiding hot baths and showers alltogether this time.

This question was asked Mar. 29, 2012 10:16pm
Category: Miscarriage & Loss

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Answered by raina30 - Jul. 8, 2018 12:01pm
hi, So sorry to know about your loss. Handle the situation wisely and calmly. All will be fine soon. Don't overthink. Stay positive and happy. Think positive all will be fine sweetheart. My best wishes are with you. All the very best. My prayers are with you. Keep smiling . Nothing is possible .

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Answered by JanetJames - Jul. 8, 2018 1:10pm
Hey, there Dear. How are you doing? I hope its all great. I am really sorry to hear about your mc. I know it must be really hard. I know things get hard. Please don't blame yourself. Don't stress out. I know things will get better. Accidents happen. They don't always repeat themselves. I wish you good luck. Lots of love for you. Please take care. And be strong and positive.

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Answered by babygear5 - Sep. 4, 2017 3:29pm
Hi welcome dear. You should not lose hope. You can defeat infertility problem very easily. There are millions of women who defeat infertility problem in professional way. I am also one of the lucky women who defeat infertility problem with medical treatment. This is golden opportunity for me to help you to overcome this critical situation in life on behalf of my own experience to provide appropriate guidance to understand this difficult situation in positive way. It is dream of every woman to enjoy healthy baby but infertility is the demon that protect their conversion of dream into reality. It is very horrible to remember my past days that are full of stress and depression due to infertility problem.
It is very necessary if you want to defeat infertility problem, you should be positive attitude and positive affirmation in their life. It is medically proved that main reason of infertility is stress and depression.

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Answered by lily12 - Jul. 8, 2018 4:16pm
Hi there. Hope you are well now. I have also heard that hot baths are not good for the health of your baby. But you are you should be extra careful next time. Everything will be fine. Good luck to you. God bless you all.

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Answered by jennyjoe - Jul. 7, 2018 1:43pm
I'm so sorry you had to face that. MCs are not easy to get through I'm sure. However, I'm glad you were able to recover and get pregnant again. I think if you feel that might've caused it then you should definitely speak to your doctor about it. There's nothing such as being too safe. I wish you all the best with your pregnancy. Good luck x

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Answered by nathalie34 - Jul. 7, 2018 11:56pm
Oh dear. I am so sorry for your miscarriage. I did read a study some where that hot baths can cause a miscarriage. It is due to the increase in body temperature, which has been linked with neural tube defects. I am really sorry for your loss. I really hope this one goes safely. Just be careful.

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