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Category: Relationships During Pregnancy

Asked by n-larock

Q: How to handle this situation...

My fiance and I are due in April and our baby-shower is this Sunday. I am trying my hardest to get his family involved as well since the baby isn't actually blood-related to them... but they just seem so unintrested. A couple months behind me is my fiance's older-brother's biological child (they are due in July I believe) with his girlfriend. They seem to be getting a loooot of attention from his family. For instance, his mother (my soon-to-be mother-in-law) is throwing her shower. Now, that being said, I sent out invites over a month ago to my shower and hand-delivered his older siblings thier invites as well as his mother's invite. Everyone plans to take a day off for his brother's shower, but not one of his family members will be attending our shower due to "work"... it kind of bugs me a lot... and I can tell it hurts my fiance... How would you handle this situation???

This question was asked Feb. 14, 2013 2:57am
Category: Relationships During Pregnancy

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Answered by a member - Feb. 14, 2013 4:04am
Wait, I don't think I'm really understanding this.. You and ur fiancé are having a baby but his family is not blood related to the baby? Sorry just want to make sure I'm understanding it right before I answer and I'm sure other people are wondering too

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Answered by Carenda1219 - Feb. 14, 2013 1:28pm
I have to be honest with you, i do not think you should ask such a question if you are not willing to be completely honest about the situation. If you say that the reason your fiance is not the bio-father would outrage people on here then what makes you think that his family is not outraged and not just downright hate you but are being as nice as they can be? It is horrible that they are acting the way they are, but they might have good reason to be. If the child was conceived because you cheated and he just forgave you and is willing to care for this child and his family knows then well....I think i would find it very hard as a family member to be so accepting. Now if you were preggo when you met, and he knew it that is a different story and they have no right to be so upset.

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