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Category: Relationships During Pregnancy

Asked by beagreg2010

Q: Anyone else okay with DF/DH looking at porn?

Ever since MS has kicked in with a vengeance, my sex drive has gone down. My DF is great, he cleans, cooks, gets my water, tells me everything is going to be great and he takes care of everything. I mean I couldn't ask for a better guy right now.

A few days ago I found some porn on his computer which I know isn't normal but since MS I have not been very willing lately to do anything. I wasn't mad or upset, I think its okay for him to do this, especially right now when hes not being taken care of (heck, the girls hes watching resemble me so I was kinda of like "aw he misses sex :P)

But my big mouth mentioned this to a friend and my mother and they got sooo mad. They said I should be too. I guess I can see their point but I just think hes handling it great so why care. I know he loves me.

Would it bother any of you ladies here if you knew your partner was looking at porn while you are pregnant?

This question was asked May. 18, 2012 10:21pm
Category: Relationships During Pregnancy

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Answered by beagreg2010 - May. 18, 2012 11:08pm
Thank you! I feel better that others are telling me I'm not crazy for not worrying. He's so wonderful to me and I swear as soon as MS goes away I know the porn will too hehe :P Besides, he's doing everything else by himself right now bc I'm sick just one more thing right aha jk.

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Answered by BabyDaisy - May. 18, 2012 10:51pm
I agree. I don't love when OH looks at porn, but if that's the worst of it he sounds like a pretty good guy :) Tell you mum and friend to leave your relationship stuff to you. If you're not worried, why should anyone else be?

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Answered by Layne-Shane - May. 22, 2012 2:30am
id feel btr if he told me but I guess it is personal so I think its lovley that ur man loves u so much and takes care of u so well :)

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Answered by kawaimichiko - May. 19, 2012 5:02am
My hubby and I watch porn. I also have toys. The thing is we are honest about those things. It was awkward to have sex with a belly and towards the end it was really hard to ummm... get it right. And now I'm 1 month post partum and still no intercourse with the hubby because I don't want to take a chance quite yet. It's really about choices and like I said we are open about it.

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Answered by Mamaof2soon3 - May. 19, 2012 12:38am
When my husband asked my father to marry me...Without me knowing it..nor expressing any disgust with it..he told my dad that he would make me his queen. Dedicate all of him to making me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world..He also told my dad that he would never cheat on me..emotionally, physically, or mentally. He blatantly told my dad..I am never going to look at porn..or use magazines for any kind of replacement.
He has stuck to his word..even when the other soldiers while he was over seas would give him a hard time. :) boy was our video chat nice. ;) Kidding..to many others around..but..he sure was all about me in those random 4 or 5 minute conversations!
So..with that being said..I would have a problem with it. Our morals and values help solidify our reasoning's. I would have to say...we are a very close couple and I would feel like a piece of him was not mine if he was fantasying about porn. To each is their own. :)

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Answered by beagreg2010 - May. 19, 2012 3:05am
I appreciate everyone's view on this since I asked for it, I still am not concerned. I am not innocent either in this department. I have been known to look at adult videos too. Right now, I get it. I am not wanting to have intimacy so I get why hes looking. Once again I state, this isn't normal. When we are having sex (4-5 days a week), he doesn't have an urge. You can't expect him to not be a little horny with the dry spell. And he's home every night. Every night hes giving me massages and loving me so why should I care. He loves me.

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Answered by a member - May. 19, 2012 1:19am
It's definitely not just a guy thing. My DH definitely wouldnt do anything like this. And most guys I know dont either. I guess if your ok with it then that's definitely your choice. But I do know that porn is extremely addicting and creates false pheromones in the brain that ultimately block the creation of oxytocin (the bonding hormone). I definitely know that I would be pissed if I caught my husband. But its for each their own. I did some research on this awhile back and being in the field of addiction I have learned many of the effects that it has on the brain, and yes watching it does change the brain chemistry. This is commonly overlooked but if you'd like some more info you can check out this one website that has both brain scans and alot of good info. It's actually scary to me when I think of it. but here's the site http://www.drenda.com/featured/slave-master-pornography-drugs-brain-2/

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Answered by jkim80 - May. 18, 2012 10:36pm
I figure as long as they want sex with me and are not obsessed with the porn its normal guy thing. Men and women are driven different sexually and guys hormones require sexual release, better a little harmless porn than another woman altogether. I think porn is fine for my man assuming its not something super freaky or creepy. I don't care how he revs his engine as long as he actually drives the car with only me lol. I watch with my man every now and then, I think it's ok and I don't want him to feel ashamed or dirty for something natural and healthy...sex, its how we got pregnant in the first place. as for the opinions of others, its not their business and the only opinion that matters is yours, your gut said it was ok don't let other people create a problem in your relationship where there is none. Good luck momma

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Answered by a member - Jul. 23, 2012 4:00am
I dont have a problem with this at all - it is a normal guy thing. I am not feeling all the best at the moment and DB has been great, understanding and patient, but he still has needs. Porn is not tangible, its not real. He is letting off steam without hurting you or involving anyone else - which WOULD be wrong. Why dont you watch it with him? Do something together and you may find that your MS goes away (for a bit anyway) and you want to do the real thing! Thats what happened to me anyway :)

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