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Category: Relationships During Pregnancy

Asked by a member

Q: husband problems

im 5w and 2 days pregnant. I have been noticing lately my husband feels kind of embarassed of me of how I look and do things....he doesnt like anytjing I wear, either its too tight or either I look like a bum. he doesnt like me doing certain things like being cheap..we went to watch a movie and I wanted to fill up my water bottle with water, I asked a cashier to do it for me instead of buying a whole new bottle. my husband felt really embarassed of me, he literally wanted to walk out...he doesnt like me holding his hand in public anymore...i dont know whats wrong. I think because im not "hot" for him anymore...im a bit overweight...i dont get sex when I want it, now its always when he wants it and thats about once a week....is this just my horomones talking or is there something wrong with my husband?

This question was asked May. 22, 2012 12:35am
Category: Relationships During Pregnancy

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Answered by Layne-Shane - May. 22, 2012 2:16am
sorry hun idk im 17 weeks today and my df is same way(im also overweight too) its just awful and ive kicked him out but he wouldn't leave(its a lil more extreme then the problems stated in ur post but kinda same gist :( msg me if u wanna talk

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Answered by awoodmancy - Jun. 2, 2012 10:35pm
This sounds like something i am going through also, hun. My DH yells at me(or so my hormones think) about things alot and when i say something back to him or ask him why hes yelling at me, he tells me hes not dealing with my s*** and leaves. Sometimes he leaves for hours or he wont come home at all. It's kind of relieving to know that i am not the only pregnant mom out there going through this. We have fought alot since we found out we were expecting a couple of weeks ago. Mostly about his family, because his mother told me that me being pregnant is disgusting and that i make her sick. One thing that we constantly argue about is his mother. His mother and I have never really got along. But i just feel completely stressed and alone. I feel more alone when my DH walks out on me. He always told me to talk through our arguments but he always leaves and never wants to talk me.

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Answered by a member - May. 22, 2012 1:32pm
there are a lot of other things that have changed between my husband and I...when I want to talk with him, he ignores me or says "not again". that hurts me...pregnancy fear is out of question, he has a child from previous marriage so I know he isnt worried.i can still talk about the baby with him....im just afraid he is cheating on me...again...i cant leave him or anything now...if I ignore him throughout the day, he gets angry at me even more, cusses me out....he wasnt like this...im just stuck...he doesnt let me go to a gym to workout because there are guys there, he doesnt even let me sit infront of a guy. its like im a doll being played with....because of my weight I have become so insecure....sorry, I just need to let it out somewhere...

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Answered by Mamaof2soon3 - May. 22, 2012 3:21pm
My heart goes out to you women going through that rejection! Truly. I wont say what I'm really thinking about these men doing this...but....lets just say..You deserve better. When I'm pregnant..I feel more beautiful then EVER! EVERY PREGNANT MAMA SHOULD FEEL SO RADIANT THAT ITS SEEPING THROUGH EVERY PORE IN THEIR BODIES! YOU LADIES REMEMBER THAT YOU ARE GODDESSES! HUGS FOR ALL

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Answered by a member - May. 22, 2012 3:13am
wow this sounds pretty shitty of him. I cant imagine how I would feel if my dh was like that during my pregnancy. I know I'd probably feel pretty upset and hurt. Hormones are a big thing, but I don't think your dh has them for an excuse. :) Pregnancy changes alot of things for alot of couples, and I've always been told that kids either make you or break you. I imagine he might be going through some struggles with the idea of having a kid, it's scary for alot of guys. But right now you need support and encouragement...not for him to treat you like this. Good luck.

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Answered by klara2222 - May. 22, 2012 11:56am
I don't know if any of this will help, but here goes. My first question would be to wonder if this is about you or about the pregnancy. Was it a sudden complete reversal of how he acts?? (I'm guessing he wasn't a jerk/mean to you all along??) If so, maybe he needs to be talking to someone about his feelings about the pregnancy - someone he trusts and respects, maybe a close family member or a male buddy who has been through this? I am lucky to have a supportive DH, but the first few weeks of pregnancy (I'm 8 1/2 weeks now), he didn't want to touch me or be intimate with me because he was worried that it could somehow hurt me? He also was embarrassed about how bloated I was at first :( I got him the book "My Boys Can Swim" and that gave him some more confidence. Now that he has told one or two of his close friends who can also give advice, I find that he is calming down a lot. Good luck!!

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