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Category: Relationships During Pregnancy

Asked by StickyBabyS303

Q: Am I going crazy or is DH doing me wrong? I don't know what to do to make him happy.

My husband has been coming home later from work, it's not an unusual thing but sometimes 2 am. I'm getting worried. We have been together for 8 years and have a 6 year old son. When he comes home from work, he just goes straight to his computer and I know he's doing some work but then he stays online all night. I stay up and try to wait for him to come to bed and he hardly talks to me or when I do he just gets annoyed. He doesn't even say goodnight or kiss me or touch me at all. He pretty much ignores our son too if he's still awake by the time his dad gets home. When hubby goes to sleep he usually always leaves his PC powered on but now he always locks it and changed the password. I don't know if I'm being paranoid or if something is really going on. I'm highly sure he's never cheated on me before, but he's not an avid communicator. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. It's like he wants nothing to do with us anymore. I thought he wanted to have this baby too but now it's all different.

This question was asked May. 23, 2012 8:21pm
Category: Relationships During Pregnancy

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Answered by knicole27 - May. 24, 2012 2:03am
I have found that when my husband has behaved this way.. he has actually been unhappy in our marriage :/ He is a horrible communicator and so what he does is retreat away from me rather than talk to me. Its soo frustrating. So I think a discussion about this is definitely in need. My hubby and I have been through this off and on a few times. We have been married 7 yrs but together for 8. So don't let it worry you..just because I say I had found out my husband was unhappy in our marriage doesn't automatically mean divorce or cheating... just means some compromises need to be made. I usually always thought it was him that needed to compromise but it always ends up being a two way street. As marriage always is. :) Def. sit down and have a serious conversation with him about it.

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Answered by maggie22 - May. 23, 2012 9:44pm
You need to approach him and tell him how you are feeling. There is no point having a relationship with someone who ignors you!! I would be searching his computer if i were you!!

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Answered by a member - May. 23, 2012 9:00pm
Not gonna lie, this sounds fishy. If he hasn't acted like this in the past, I think you really need to try and talk to him about it. See if you can find out what's going on or if there are issues he's working through. If he's being unfaithful or acting in a way that isn't acceptable in your relationship, you really need to think about what's best for your family.

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