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Category: Relationships During Pregnancy

Asked by a member

Q: how to tell an unhappy family. any advice?

im almost 17 weeks along with a healthy baby boy. im absolutely thrilled. ive told most of my side of my family, aside from extended family, and everyone has been supportive and happy. its made me anxious to tell my bfs side of the family. my bf and i had argued about when to or not and he thinks theyre going to be upset and yell at us. he doesnt want to hear it. up until today i didnt agree with him. as i type this his parents are yelling at him over things that are just out of his control. they are obviously stressed over things, but its very discouraging. should i even consider telling them while he lives under their roof? we are in the process of moving out. im just confused.

This question was asked Jun. 2, 2012 2:08am
Category: Relationships During Pregnancy

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Answered by mylittlemiracle - Jun. 2, 2012 10:39am
It's better now than later in my opinion, as they might also be angry that you didn't tell them earlier. Especially if they find out from someone else blabbing the news. I myself told my family immediately and they were thrilled. My boyfriend's mother on the other hand I was very nervous and was given quite the lecture, not pleasant at all, but after a little bit of time she get used to it and then become more supportive. Good luck and hope all goes well!

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Answered by klara2222 - Jun. 2, 2012 4:04pm
I would tell them if I were in your shoes. The words should probably come out of your boyfriend's mouth - he's the one who's related to them, but you can tell if he's too nervous. Just put it out there in a point-blank, no-nonsense, matter-of-fact kind of way. You can say that you hope that they are happy for you, but if not, you will understand and go on with planning for the baby without them. I would also underline that you know the baby is your responsibility and that you won't be relying on them for care, etc. (assuming that's 100% true - if it's not, don't misrepresent because it'll lead to more hurt feelings and animosity), to reassure them that you know what you're getting into and what's involved. Good luck! I hope it goes better than you think it will :)

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Answered by a member - Jun. 2, 2012 2:58am
Tell them you're pregnant or tell them you're having a boy?

If you're 17 weeks along and they don't know you're pregnant yet, you might need to tell them. If you aren't showing yet (and I didn't show until after 20 weeks) you will be soon and they'll figure it out anyway. If you are both young (which I'm guessing you might be) it won't be easy but you'll need the support of both families to help you both as things progress further. They might be angry and disappointed but they'll probably get over it eventually. The longer you wait to tell them, the more angry they might be about it. Since he does live with them (even though you're in the process of moving out) his life choices still affect them. They should be informed even if you're both anxious about it. Best of luck to you! I hope things get better:-)

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