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Category: Relationships During Pregnancy

Asked by a member

Q: just need some support from someone...

Ever since I got pregnant my DH and I are getting into a lot of arguments. just now I was mad because he took his long lost friend out yesterday from 6 pm and came back at 1 am. I also had a lot of cramping.(a couple days ago I thought I had a miscarriage but luckily,I saw the heartbeat and everything looked fine,I was put on bed rest) So I had a lot of cramping, chills and nausea last night while DH was away "relaxing" in his terms.I called him to ask him to come home but he thought I was causing a drama.I was so disappointed in him. And today he's in his room all day doing his "studying" for his online class. He has been sitting on his "studying" for over 6 months now. I asked him to take me out at least 1 hr and he made a big deal out of it. I got mad because I wanted to hang out with my sister today and he told me not to. So I didn't and instead I'm sitting on my couch for over 6 hrs watching TV and waiting for him to at least come out of the room and

This question was asked Jun. 3, 2012 8:48pm
Category: Relationships During Pregnancy

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Answered by Dylsmommy - Jun. 4, 2012 12:55pm
Wow, as I read this I start crying! I am having a lot of problems with my oh this weekend has been the worst! I feel like he does nothing but disrespect me here lately, and I am confused because it is something that I feel so strongly about but yet he makes out like I am just being crazy?? Like last night he didn't show up until 2am because we had an arguement and he went to his friends to drink all night?? REALLY!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? But I am so upset today I just want to leave him :( It makes me so sad because I really love him but I don't want this type of relationship

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Answered by Layne-Shane - Jun. 4, 2012 2:47am
awww honey i feel u this is exactly the same as my situation,feel free to msg me. i dont think its u at all,well at least not entirely. I feel if mine keeps doing this ill be on my own,and not cause he wants me to be but i will walk out.

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Answered by a member - Jun. 3, 2012 8:51pm
this was the only weekend were I could spend time with him because during the weekdays he's at work with long hrs. and every weekend his son comes over for both days. So basically I don't have time alone with him except in bed. Even in bed I don't want him there. I just want to slap him so much for causing all this. I'm so emotional right now... I can't talk to anyone except here....do I have the right to be mad?

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