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Category: Relationships During Pregnancy

Asked by jspencer73

Q: Anyone else experiencing intimacy problems ?

Im sure being pregnant isn't a huge turn on for men though it seems quite natural to me. Im currently pregnant with my first and my boyfriend will only make a move one a month and its really upsetting me. I talked to him about it and told him its okay to have sex until the baby is born as long as the doctor doesn't say anything. I would try to make moves and he would say your about to be a mother stop acting like that or just brush me off. He also prefers to watch porn instead. Is this normal ? and what are some ways to cope with not getting the sexual attention desired ?

This question was asked Apr. 17, 2013 11:52pm
Category: Relationships During Pregnancy

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Answered by shannonbpowers - Apr. 26, 2013 12:29pm
My hubby to be is all over me a lot. I was diagnosed with hyperemesis gravidarum at 10 weeks and am often feeling very ill, so I mightn't feel like intercourse, but there are other ways to be intimate that don't just include intercourse. Talk to him about it and share your feelings and listen to his thoughts and concerns... hope you get a good compromise.

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Answered by mommx3 - Apr. 20, 2013 1:10pm
Darn auto correct! Masterbating, not master acting lol

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Answered by mommx3 - Apr. 20, 2013 1:10pm
The thing is, porn is unhealthily when used in place of intimacy. It takes energy away from you. And it's addicting. men can actually start to prefer master acting and porn to sex because its instant gratification. We that happens you really will have issues. Pregnant can be sexy, so turn him onto it. Maybe have him watch some pregnant porn with you and start to have him feet excited about your new sexy body. He may just not be associating pregnant with sexy. But you can change that!

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Answered by loveinme - Apr. 19, 2013 10:16pm
Hmm... I really do not want to have sex at all during my pregnancy :-P lol
I have even told my husband to watch porn instead of begging me to have sex. People are different and you partner have different thoughts about sex during pregnancy. As long as he is just watching porn you have nothing to worry about. Best of luck :)

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Answered by hopefullll - Apr. 18, 2013 10:00pm
I think my hubby is too horny to have anything stand in his way of sex lol. However, my brother told me that he had to force himself to have sex with his pregnant girlfriend because it was way too weird for him. And my friend said her and her spouse only kanoodled ONCE in the whole pregnancy. So, it seems it's 50/50. I would just let him stick to oral if it freaks him out to have his member close to the baby (even though we women know its not lol). As for the porn, that would be the only thing that would really offend me. I'm cool with my hubby indulging in some solo time providing we are having sex frequently but I would be pretty upset if he had sex with himself more than me. But maybe that's just me. I hope that you both find something that works!

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Answered by Carenda1219 - Apr. 18, 2013 4:36pm
my hubby has not changed at all, he knows that it is safe for us to be intimate, but well being on top for him has been a no go since the growing belly ROFL. However he is not generally like most men, still says I am the sexiest woman alive and he had NEVER liked porn.....to be honest most men are ridiculously stupid when it comes to the whole baby thing. Research has proven that some men find it sexy that a woman is carrying their child because of a dominance (animalistic) thing, it kind of shows they have laid claim or something like that....but most men find it unnerving as if there is someone else in the room. Crazy as it seems men are weird lol more than likely it will not change because it is just his way of thinking.

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Answered by lyssa787 - Apr. 18, 2013 1:16am
My hubby wanted nothing to do with me as far as down there was concerned until HE heard it from our Doc that it was not an issue. It also helped that I told him I was craving HIM, and that when we're acting normal it's easier for me to be less crazy. I have enough hormone issues, I don't want to be sex deprived on top of it all. That made sense to him. Also, being cute, but not talking about the baby. Sharing kisses at lunch, feeding each other dessert, just doing intimate coupley things, but NOT making it all about what was going on in my belly. That helped get him more relaxed and thinking less of a family of three, and more as a couple.

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