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Category: Relationships During Pregnancy

Asked by kshives1027

Q: Needing reassurance...we find out gender tomorrow.

So I am 19 weeks today and have a beautiful six year old daughter. After 18 months of actual trying with tracking, we finally had a successful pregnancy! I am over the moon about this baby, though this pregnancy has been a lot harder than my last. However, since it was such a rough, emotional road to get here and I am not getting any younger, this will more than likely be our last baby. We find out tomorrow what we are having and then we will reveal it to out family and friends on Sunday at a cookout/gender reveal party. Everyone wants a boy. I feel like if I had already had a boy, everyone would want a girl, just to have the "ideal" one of each. I'm worried my family, even my husband, will be disappointed if it's not a boy. I will be ecstatic either way! Anyone else feeling or has felt this way?

This question was asked Aug. 7, 2013 4:41pm
Category: Relationships During Pregnancy

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Answered by kelliers - Aug. 7, 2013 8:38pm
I think it will go wonderfully! And I think your husband will surprise you :) Enjoy finding out your special news and don't let what everyone else is going to do stress you. People say things just to talk sometimes.

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Answered by kshives1027 - Aug. 7, 2013 7:35pm
Well, I can't cancel the party...too many people coming. And most people in our circle are tactful and won't show disappointment while in front of us. Plus, my hubby's bday is the day before the party and we are celebrating that as well. I talked to my best friend today and she said, "don't you always tell me what is meant to be will be and there is a reason for everything?" (She had her twins at 25 weeks gestation and Lance was in the hospital for 8 months and Reagan for 16 months...both miracle babies!) I agreed because that is really my motto for everything in life. She said to suck it up. "If you are having a boy, it was meant to be a boy. If you are having a girl, then that was meant to be and anyone who shows disappointment at a girl will have to deal with me. And those people don't need to be around you with negative vibes during such an exciting and blessed time." So I am feeling much better now! Thank you ladies!!! :)

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Answered by redrouge - Aug. 7, 2013 6:33pm
what ever it is everyone will be delighted.this was my first preg to fond out sex i have a girl and a boy and because it twins everyone wanted one of each but we did nt mind..we found out its 2 boys were havin and everyone was delighted even our 3 year old daughter who had the name snow white and princess picked out for them.so what ever it is once baby is healthy who cares..best of luck..

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Answered by kelliers - Aug. 7, 2013 6:13pm
We did a reveal last Saturday but this is our first child. For our second I have already decided I won't simply because I don't care to see what everyone will think of us having two boys instead of one of each if it's another boy. We are just grateful we can have babies at all since it was looking pretty dismal before this blessing of a pregnancy. I am sure people will still be happy for you but if you are really concerned it may be best to let them react in private. I don't actually know what anyone else's reaction was to us having a boy because I was so caught up in the moment/surprise anyway.

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Answered by KenpoMommy - Aug. 7, 2013 6:04pm
That's exactly why I'm not a fan of the gender reveal parties. I don't think I could keep myself from saying something in response to someone's disappointed comment or facial expression. I'm not known for my tact, especially now! Lol I would rather just make my little Facebook announcement and let people have their negative reactions in private, away from me. I'm emotional enough as it is without dealing with other people's pointless or old fashioned opinions. As long as they're nice to my face, I don't care what they say otherwise. That's their problem. I'll be happy with my baby, no matter what it turns out to be. Parenthood is years of feeling protective of your children. I would prefer not to have to direct the protective feeling on one of my relatives, they wouldn't stand a chance!

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Answered by kshives1027 - Aug. 7, 2013 5:00pm
So glad that I am not the only one feeling this way! Oh, I love my little girl now, and will always love her, but if she is anything like me when I was a teenager, I will probably move out for a few years! LOL! My husband obviously wants a boy to carry on the name. His dad keeps saying stuff too, which is irritating. Like, "well, if you have another girl, I guess you'll have to try for a boy to keep the name going." Ummm...NO!!! I know my husband will be happy and will be a great, loving dad...but I know he really wants a boy. That's part of the reason we are finding out before everyone. If I see disappointment on his face, I don't want it in front of 50 people.

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Answered by KenpoMommy - Aug. 7, 2013 4:48pm
I have two boys already and I'm finding out Monday what this next one will be. Everyone wants a girl, except my husband and I. All my friend's teenage girls scare the crap out of us! I dread going through what they are right now. Lol My husband and I are good with having another boy, we have two already so we know what to expect! But I'm worried everyone will be disappointed or not as enthusiastic about the birth if its another boy. Talk about pressure to produce! Lol I feel your pain...

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