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Category: Relationships During Pregnancy

Asked by kaylia2oo5

Q: Useless SO?

I'm 17w along with twins. Day before yesterday, I passed out in the grocery store and had to go to Outpatients. They said I have low blood pressure, and bronchitis in both lungs. I was told that I have to slow it down, and take things easy.
We have two kids already, and my SO won't help me with anything. We got home from outpatients at 2:30am yesterday morning, our 16m old was up at 5:50 for over half an hour, but guess who got up at 7am to get our daughter off to school? He slept in until almost 10am, then took a two hour nap yesterday afternoon. I stuck it out all day, because I couldn't leave the kids alone to go nap.
I cooked supper, did dishes (twice), laundry, etc. I asked him to sweep the floors for me and he swept 1/2 of the livingroom floor (wouldn't move the furniture to clean underneath and told me I was "stupid" for wanting it clean under the furniture) and left the pile of dirt on one side of the room that our 16m old kicked through within 10 minutes.

This question was asked Mar. 18, 2014 12:01pm
Category: Relationships During Pregnancy

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Answered by Bostonmama08 - Mar. 18, 2014 12:18pm
You have to be assertive and tell him what to do. He is slacking because you either have accepted that over the years from him or he is truly inconsiderate. Why cant you nap? Tell him..."i am going to lay down....you have the kids". Period. Dont let him walk all over you and if this is the pattern, it needs to change. Stop doing things for him.....tell him you are so overwhelmed you cant get to doing all the things you need to. I know with my husband, I have just handed him the baby and walked away when he had been on his computer for three hours. Sometimes men need to be shown what they need to do instead of what we expect them to do.

Just be assertive and speak up....tell him, no matter how many times, what you need from him.

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Answered by karys76 - Mar. 18, 2014 7:30pm
People will only treat you the way you let them treat you. He sounds like a thoughtless selfish man and you should have nipped this kind of behavior from him in the bud a good while ago. My husband works 38 hours a week and does a 2 hour commute everyday but he still helps me, most of the time without me even having to ask. Relationships and parenthood is a partner ship and when you see the other person struggling you step in and help. If he's unwilling to do this when you've actually been told by a doctor to take it easy and are carrying twins and already have two children then I'm sorry but there is something basically wrong with your relationship and you need to have(when your up to it) a serious conversation with him.

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Answered by kaylia2oo5 - Mar. 18, 2014 12:02pm
My Mom & Uncle have both lit aboard of him that he needs to help, but he absolutely won't. I don't expect anything out of him on his days that he works (he works 3 on, 3 off) but on his days off, I don't think there is any reason why he can't help. Yet he sits around on his ass all day long. What do I do??

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Answered by lyssa7872 - Mar. 19, 2014 1:32pm
Sounds to me like there are some communication issues. He swept the floor. He's a man, his standards may not always be your standards. But he did it. Maybe the best course of action here, and the most difficult for you, is just going to be letting some things go. From my experience with my hubby, a little sugar goes a long way. When he does something that helps me, even if it's not the way i would have done it, or would like it done, I need to show him how thankful I am that he helped. This makes him feel like he actually did something worth his time and energy. If i have any sort of negative attitude about it, it makes him feel like we'd both be happier if I'd have just done it myself. So the more happy I am when he helps, the more he wants to help. :) You can always fine tune things later, but they're only men. ;) It's his house too and if he doesn't mind the dirt, and you can't do anymore then don't worry about it!

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Answered by davidiculus - Mar. 29, 2014 6:44pm
yall all say to be mean or bossy but how would you feel if he did that to you maybe you do not thank him they way you should some men are like children your have to hold there hand longer or ask them an extra time what good does it do to be bossy or mean it will just upset both of yall and cause more problems

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