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Category: Relationships During Pregnancy

Asked by Mrs_HT

Q: Anniversary, Father's Day, And College Graduation put to rest?

So my 5 year Wedding Anniversary is on the 20th and I am on bed rest. What can we do? I am really at a loss. This is also tge day i graduate fromcollege buti don'teven thinki amgoing to be ableto walk! Usually for our anniversary we make this dish we'd cook together, I cook he preps, but its the same dish every year; and we spend the day doing something new like going out for drinks at a bar we have never tried or spending the day at the pool or beach. This year I am advised not to cook while on bed rest and can only get up to shower go to rest room and go to my appointments. I need HELP. With Father's Day happening first, I have him his gift early as it was a tattoo that he wants and I wanted him to have something just for himself with all the attention being on the kids nowadays but I haven't a clue what to do about dinner for him.

This question was asked Jun. 12, 2014 3:55am
Category: Relationships During Pregnancy

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Answered by Mrs_HT - Jun. 12, 2014 7:31pm
I would love for some one to come and cook for us. Lol none in his family can cook! I am graduating from culinary school so they have me cook at all family functions, so I think the ordering in is a good idea. Maybe order some movies and spend the evening snuggled in bed. As long as we are together it will be fine. Thanks!

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Answered by kaylia2oo5 - Jun. 12, 2014 11:34am
Maybe order something and have hubby go pick it up this year? Or have a family member come over and cook your usual dish that you make every year (he won't be expecting it!!).

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