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Category: Relationships During Pregnancy

Asked by Babymumma15

Q: Single mum


I assume people will make their own judgements and they are more than welcome to on my situation.

I am in the midst of travelling the world and found out I was pregnant.

I had a boyfriend in Australia which ended as I left however here is where the problem lies....
My due date is January 9 2015.. This is according to my 8 week scan, I had sex with my bf of the time up until the 24th of April when I left Aus. (This was totally unprotected sex with him ejaculating inside), then on the 28th of April a Spanish man and I had a one night romance... He did not cum, in fact we did not have penetrative sex, he just rubbed his penis against the inside (walls) of my vagina... (Slim chance but is it possible to be pregnant this way? Or him be the father?)

I am most certain my bf in Aus is the father..... Although I am happily a single mum and will be heading back to my own country for birth and upbringing of baby it would be nice to maybe be sure of

This question was asked Aug. 20, 2014 1:43am
Category: Relationships During Pregnancy

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Answered by ShelbyBaby2-20-15! - Aug. 20, 2014 12:46pm
I personally don't feel anyone has the right to judge others. Congratulations to you! A baby is always a blessing. Based on your due date..I did some looking up on line and the latest date for conception would have been April 22.. now I don't know if your cycle is 28days or more. But I would say that the odds are much much greater this baby is your BFs.

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Answered by lyssa7872 - Aug. 20, 2014 2:32am
You're right that it's probably your ex, but also right that it could be the spanish guy. There's the chance that some of his precum made it into your cervix, especially if you orgasmed. However, muuuuch more likely that it's the ex from Australia.

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