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Category: Miscarriage & Loss

Asked by wishflower

Q: Spotting at 6 weeks

Two days ago I had some pink spotting. I panicked and called the OB on call- it was a Saturday night. She said to go to the Emergency Department if pain or if bleeding to fill a pad per hour. I only spotted a pantyliner the last two days. This morning (Monday) I was seen in the office My cervix was closed. Ultrasound inconclusive, no heartbeat or sac seen, only "something small." I am 6 weeks 2 days pregnant. They are checking my HCG doubling time today and Wednesday. The wait is unbearable. I feel heartbroken. Any similar stories or advice?

This question was asked Feb. 17, 2015 3:11am
Category: Miscarriage & Loss

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Answered by stickybean1976 - Feb. 17, 2015 9:55am
I am sure you know spotting can be very normal in early pregnancy. You may have even ovulated a day or two later putting your dates out which is why they may not have seen anything via ultrasound, in saying that, if they did an internal ultrasound they should of seen a gestational sac and a yolk sac between 5-6 weeks with a heartbeat to follow sometime soon after the 6 weeks mark but as I mentioned you may have ovulated later than you thought, even a small window of a couple of days can make a big difference this early on. It was a good sign that your cervix was closed.
I know it's hard so many of us have been through heartache on here, the only thing you can do it pray, hope and wait for those bloods to come back. I wish you a healthy pregnancy and all the best going forward.

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Answered by cosmoholic - Feb. 17, 2015 12:41pm
I had two episodes of bleeding this pregnancy - once at 5 weeks and once at 6w3d. It was bleeding (bright red), not spotting. At 6 weeks there was even clots. I've had a few losses so was convinced we were losing the baby. They brought me in for an ultrasound at 6w5d and we saw our little peanut with a heartbeat. I was shocked. They were never able to determine what the cause of the bleeding was. I'm now 29 weeks along and things seem to be going great.

Just a story that not all spotting/bleeding is a bad thing.

I don't think it's abnormal so not see much of anything on a very early ultrasound. Even if your dates are off by a few days it can make a big difference in terms of development. I'm glad that they're taking your blood levels - that should give them a good indication if everything is going well.

Good luck!

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Answered by scoobyfanatic56 - Feb. 17, 2015 4:54pm
I have been bleeding and spotting throughout my entire pregnancy so far. It started around 6 weeks with spotting (due to a cervical tear) and I had LOTS of bleeding at 8 weeks that sent me to the ER once I realized I had bled through my jeans! I was heartbroken and convinced the baby was gone, but my cervix was still closed and my HCG numbers were still really high. They think that was a result of the placenta implanting. I also have an issue with blood clots. I am now 11 weeks 5 days and we got to see our little one moving around at our last ultrasound. Keep strong, have faith, and good luck!

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Answered by mnor0406 - Feb. 17, 2015 12:01pm
I had bright red spotting at 6 weeks and freaked because I had 3 previous losses that started with spotting. They checked my hcg and it was fine but it was an agonizing wait for my ultrasound at 6w3d when I finally saw the heartbeat. Spotting isn't always a bad sign. Try to breath and I really hope it works out for you too!

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Answered by RedBetty - Feb. 17, 2015 5:06pm
I had bright red bleeding at 6 weeks. It was quite much and my first thought was that I was losing the baby baby. I had an ultrasound and the baby still couldn't be seen but the yolk sac was there and appeared normal. I was placed on progesterone injections and told to wait and see if the baby would abort due to an abnormality or stay. I am 20+6 pregnant now, baby was perfectly okay. It was just a partial separation of the gestational sac from the uterine wall that caused the bleeding and bed rest sorted it all out.
My advise would be to rest well and keep your faith up. spotting happens a lot in early preg and doesn't always mean a subsequent loss. GL hun

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