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Category: Relationships During Pregnancy

Asked by lilsunshine22

Q: How to break the good news to hubby?

I just found out I am pregnant. And while I am excited, I have a little bit of reserve because I am worried about telling my husband. We have a H&H daughter who will be 2 in 2 weeks, but we wasn't going to try until she was around 3, or 3.5. So this is totally unplanned and unexpected. How do I tell him, and what should I do if he reacts negatively? Abortion would not ever be considered, as we see every pregnancy as God's will and a blessing....just a scary one lol.

This question was asked Dec. 28, 2015 7:32pm
Category: Relationships During Pregnancy

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Answered by andycooper5 - Aug. 19, 2017 11:25am
and a great level of happiness. What you can do is, create a little candle light situation in your home, and even involve your daughter into the same. Make a cake, and get some helium balloon saying '2'. You can even have a little photo shoot of your own to make it even more special. These are the moments to cherish for life. The kids will grow older, but you will never get over these moments. I hope you stay well and take care of your family. The family is a great asset in the cruel world. Feel blessed to be having one.

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Answered by andycooper5 - Aug. 19, 2017 11:22am
hi dear,
I would like to first congratulate you on being pregnant. It is a great news. I am sure your husband with love it too. However, I do feel that pregnancy comes in with a great deal responsibility and pain. Although it is all worth it at the end of the day, every expense and mental status degrade. A new child can be anything but sheer happiness. I can relate to you. My current pregnancy was unplanned, but very much wanted. I think it's difficult to give reveal ideas without knowing your Dh because there's no basis to predict how he'll receive the news. I videoed my Dh's reaction, but I knew that, while shocking, it would be exciting and funny. If your Dh will need time to process the news, I would imagine something low-key with no pressure to put on a happy face would be appropriate. I'd prepare my own self for a less than stellar reaction and give him time to come around. Hopefully, even if it's not immediately apparent, the fears will eventually be replaced by excitement

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Answered by Mommybutterfly - Dec. 30, 2015 3:21am
I found out extremely early about 3 weeks 4 days I wanted to get excited but was pretty detached early on and didn't get an ultrasound until I was 11 weeks. I had wanted to tell my boyfriend the day after as we had a beach trip planned but was too excited about the test being positive so soon. It was also a test from the dollar tree. I prefer those over the $20 tests. My boyfriend was happy about having another but refused to get excited about it until he knew everything was ok too. Even at 26 weeks it still feels surreal. He'll come around though and everything will be great. :)

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Answered by lilsunshine22 - Dec. 29, 2015 10:12pm
Yeah....he took it not so well. I mean he wasn't yelling or being hateful, more like freaking out over the budget. (Which trust me is fine, its ingrained in him to worry about money when we have no need to do so). Today he seemed to be a little better. And yes I am almost 10 weeks and just found out. See, I have high prolactin levels which cause my cycles to be irregular, and I wasn't even taking the medication that the doctors said I would need to get pregnant. I am actually still in total shock, so as I am grateful, it's still surreal and I haven't reached that YES! woohoo I'm having another baby. But I know when DH gets onboard I will be able to release the tension and be fully excited, maybe I just feel guilty about being excited idk. I have a dr apt on Thursday to get an exact due date, so that will help too.

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Answered by PaperHeart - Dec. 29, 2015 9:08pm
My current pregnancy was unplanned, but very much wanted. I think it's difficult to give reveal ideas without knowing your Dh because there's no basis to predict how he'll receive the news. I videoed my Dh's reaction, but I knew that, while shocking, it would be exciting and funny. If your Dh will need time to process the news, I would imagine something low key with no pressure to put on a happy face would be appropriate. I'd prepare my own self for a less than stellar reaction and give him time to come around. Hopefully, even if it's not immediately apparent, the fears will eventually be replaced by excitement and gratefulness.

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Answered by Miraclex3 - Dec. 29, 2015 2:25am
Okay well since New Years is coming up, maybe get a box and take your pregnancy test/ultrasound and write "You're getting a surprise this year!"

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Answered by Mommybutterfly - Dec. 28, 2015 10:12pm
Did you seriously just find out? I see you on your profile you're 9 weeks. Just odd you didn't know sooner lol. Don't be nervous though just find a way to make it special so that he's unable to be discouraging about it. Things will be ok either way. It happened the way it was suppose to.

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