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Joined May. 24, 2019 10:43pm

Mrsford2's Pregnancy

My Due Date: February 5, 2020
I have given birth!
Age: 41 years old

It's A Girl!

Harper Rae
Born on January 24, 2020 at 5:48pm
Born at 38 weeks and 2 days

Weight: 8 lbs 4 oz
Length: 21 inches

Labour & Delivery
Delivery: Caesarean Section - Emergency
Pain Relief: Epidural - Full

Harper Rae's Birth Story

Okay, I finally have a few moments to write this down my original csection was booked for Jan 28, but at my appt on the 20th my doc and the OB decided the baby needed to come out sooner due to my out of control sugars and ever increasing insulin. My OB called me wed am and said his colleague would do my csection the next day and to Be at labour and delivery at 7am the next morn . We arrived at the hospital and had a consult with the OB (he removed my see kid in 2011 so we already knew each other). He ordered some bloodwork and told me to return to the hospital at 4:30 for a 7pm csection. We returned at 4:30 and were admitted to a room. The nurse came in shortly after and let us know we had been bumped to approx 8:30 due to an emerg in the OR. The OB arrived and let us know an emergency csection bumped us again and said we could go home for the night and come back the next day at 1 for a 5pm ish csection. So after fasting for 13 hours with GD we went and got some dinner as I was a mess and starving. We arrived the next day at 1pm and they didn’t have a room for us. We were in the hallway waiting area for about 45 min waiting for them to figure out the room situation and my blood sugars tanked and I almost passed out. They rushed us into a shared room and started an IV right away. The OB came up to the ward and advised on what fluids they could safely give me and bumped me from surgery 3 to surgery 1 so we were quickly dressed and gotten prepped before being taken to pre-op. Our little girl was born shortly after! He blood sugar at 2hrs post birth were excellent and mine were good the next morning- such a relief. She has been an amazing baby and is nursing like a champ. We had skin to skin from the moment she was out which I think has made the biggest difference. We were home by 42 hours post csection - which was a shock but so amazing. Big bro is warming up to her and our family is complete. I have no tubes left so last baby for us.

Profile Comments for Mrsford2 (10)

Comment from sonata85 » Posted Jan. 28, 2020 9:55pm
Wow they really made you wait for that c-section! I would be going nuts if they kept changing the time. I’m glad blood sugar is back to normal and nursing is going well!! Congrats again!

Comment from RPope84 » Posted Jan. 28, 2020 6:12pm
Congratulations! She is gorgeous and I'm so glad everyone's home and well!!

Comment from Angela18 » Posted Jan. 27, 2020 5:34pm
Congratulations! Enjoy your new bundle xo

Comment from calvingirl » Posted Jan. 27, 2020 5:25pm
Congratulations!! A little girl! Love the name, and can't wait to see a picture of your little duchess.

Comment from Mrsford2 » Posted Jan. 25, 2020 8:47pm
Thanks Ladies! I’m still in shock she’s a girl haha! I will update with the story when I can

Comment from Mozart » Posted Jan. 25, 2020 8:01pm
Congratulations! I am so glad that baby is here :) Wishing you a speedy recovery; take good care of yourself.

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