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Joined Jun. 13, 2017 7:33pm

RPope84's Pregnancy

My Due Date: April 22, 2021
I have given birth!
Age: 40 years old
Location: Houston, United States

View My Baby Bump Photos List

My Baby Bump Photos

Week 15 (Past Pregnancy)
By RPope84 » Posted Jan. 31, 2018 9:26pm - 850 views - 6 comments

Baby moved up into my abdomen last week (I know because I find him with my doppler), and my uterus is just a couple inches friend my belly button. Everything is being moved up into my stomach area and I feel very fat these days. Had a growth spurt this week lol. Ooh well... I'll take it. :)

Comments for this Baby Bump Photo

Comment from sonata85 » Posted Feb. 1, 2018 2:10pm
Definitely looks like a baby bump!!

Comment from Starmama14 » Posted Feb. 1, 2018 1:11pm
Aww...hi little bump! You look great...I can't wait to watch that bump grow and grow :)

Comment from WaitingwithHope » Posted Feb. 1, 2018 10:53am
You look amazing renae!! I can’t believe how far along you are already! Before you know it you’ll have a perfectly huge round bump! You’ll love it :)!

Comment from RPope84 » Posted Feb. 1, 2018 9:34am
Thank you ladies. Hopefully in the next few weeks it'll round out and not just look like a muffin top lol. I'm still happy to have it though.

Comment from Angela18 » Posted Feb. 1, 2018 8:52am
Most of us go through those feelings but you are creating a life inside and you look beautiful. And remember it’s temporary ;)

Comment from cmere84 » Posted Feb. 1, 2018 8:19am

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