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Category: Pregnancy Fashion & Beauty

Asked by BabyMoore13

Q: Help! I want and need a baby girl in my life.

If I find out I'm having a boy I am going to be a little upset. This is my first pregnancy and I am hoping for a baby girl so bad. I am a hairstylist and I would just love a cute little baby girl who I can dress up and do her hair lol. I also work at a learning center (with 2 year olds) and in my opinion girls are much calmer and laid back than boys, all the boys just want to do is fight each other lol. When I go to the store I see everything I could possibly get a baby girl. I don't see anything I like for boys:( Has anyone else experienced this? I know if Its a boy I will eventually get past it but I want a girl so bad.

This question was asked Dec. 29, 2012 1:01pm
Category: Pregnancy Fashion & Beauty

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Answered by sunshinebear711 - Jan. 15, 2013 12:26am
My husband and I both wanted a girl, but I was having dreams of little boys. At 5 weeks I had bleeding and thought we were having a miscarriage. Getting past that, we kept refering to the baby as "him" and "Lex" (Alexander) and then imagine our surprise when we got to the ultrasound and TADA! Girl parts. We were over the moon.

I've seen crazy girls and boys... it really depends on the personality. We have friends who have an older son who is so relaxed and a younger daughter who is INSANE... and then a friend who has an older son who is quiet, a middle son who is a demon, and a youngest daughter who is right in the middle of the two.

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Answered by kCharleneS - Jan. 7, 2013 6:10am
I wanted a little girl last time I had a baby and I am SOOOO relieved I had a little boy. He's my world. I love him to the moon and back. He's much more calm than any girls I've seen. And I didn't have to go out and spend a ton of money to make sure he had all these adorable things because I could put him in a t-shirt and pants and he was just as adorable. lol This time around I want a little girl, but at the same time I'm anxious because little boys are so easy and I'll be so out of my comfort zone if we have a girl. But I think Nate deserves a little sister since he has a little brother at his dad's house. Good luck to you. Also, I heard that if you wear pink to your gender reveal you'll have a girl and if you wear blue you'll have a boy. Obviously not 100% true, but worth a shot. My sister wore blue and got the little boy she dreamed of. Congrats on the baby!

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Answered by BabyMoore13 - Dec. 31, 2012 6:58am
Expectingmommy1 I see, so it's horrific, dispicable, and selfish...Oh and I need to grow up lol Lets uplift and motivate others instead of trying to talk down and judge each other because of different views:) have a good day, you get no more of my time.

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Answered by expectingmommy1 - Dec. 31, 2012 4:45am
also im not judging you, im judging your post. grow up. people dont always have to agree on things people say i just know that being disappointed that it may be a boy is horrific, and dispicable.

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Answered by expectingmommy1 - Dec. 31, 2012 4:42am
lol your the one saying youll be disappointed if you dont have a girl. so UM EXCUSE ME that is selfish.

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Answered by BabyMoore13 - Dec. 30, 2012 11:04pm
Um excuse me EXPECTINGMOMMY1 But who are YOU to say that it's selfish. I want a Baby Girl ! I'm not wrong for feeling like that at all. If its not, yes I will be disappointed but so what!!! I'll accept it and move on! I'm not gonna get depressed or anything lol. I work with and see all types if children who are autistic,bipolar,and so on everyday who struggle with health problems. So the health of my child is the main concern DUH! God has blessed us and that's something we work towards and pray for everyday is a healthy child (and parents)!!!!!!! YES so stop being a Debbie Downer and Judging cause you dnt know my story! Goodbye

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Answered by expectingmommy1 - Dec. 30, 2012 4:27pm
either way its not something to be upset with. i read post on here all the time of how women have had 1 or more m/c's or cant get pregnant AT ALL. your main concern should be souly on the health of the baby. i hate to be a debbie downer but you get what you get. be greatful and apprecative of what god has blessed you with. this post is so selfish.

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Answered by Brittany0915 - Dec. 30, 2012 2:17pm
i have 2 girls, and 1 little boy and im not sure what im having this time around. i will say, my little boy is so much more easy going and relaxed then my 2 girls! they are certainly something lol.... before i had my boy i wanted ANOTHER girl! now that i have my boy i would be totally happy if he had a little brother.

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Answered by monroezelda - Dec. 29, 2012 7:18pm
I have 2 boys 1 girl , I find boys much easier than girls, this one is a boy an I am relived dont think i could handle another girl ha ha

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Answered by thirdtimemamma - Dec. 29, 2012 5:40pm
I felt the same way when I had my first .. I wanted a girl soooo bad and I just knew it was a girl then I was told boy... I was devastated.... I cried and cried and went home and cried for the rest of the day..it took me a couple days for it to stick... He is now 3 years old and I look back and feel completley silly.. I have no idea what I would do without him... He is perfect.. Silly and so loving... I'm thankful for my little boy <3 I'm sure things will change for you ! Good luck hun

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