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Category: Relationships During Pregnancy

Asked by LyssaBugg

Q: Knowing the gender?

My boyfriend and I are dying to know the gender of our baby, but we have a long way to go.

I have this nagging feeling we're having a girl, but he seems set we're having a boy. It's almost a joking banter we have going. He'll tell me to bring myself (then he'll mumble) and our baby boy to the couch.

Now this would be all fine and dandy- but eventually, one of us is going to be wrong, and I feel like it's going to be him. Just because I feel so certain. I would be happy with a boy, it's just a nagging feeling. He says he feels the same way about it being a boy. But I'm worried he may have his heart set on a boy...

Did you feel like you knew the gender before you did? Were you right/wrong?

Feel free to guess the gender of my baby for fun if you want to =)

This question was asked Nov. 1, 2012 8:12pm
Category: Relationships During Pregnancy

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Answered by Wildflower73 - Nov. 3, 2012 5:05am
I did the needle in the pencil test that is suppose to tell you all the kids you are gonna have and in the order you will have them. It was right with all my kids I've had and says I'm having a girl this time. I find out on the 12th if the test was 100% right.

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Answered by Kfinzue - Nov. 2, 2012 12:33pm
I've never had a 'I KNOW my baby is a ---' moment, and I'm quite thankful for that. When I first became pregnant, and it hadn't really sunk in I was dead set I WANTED a boy. But as soon as it became real to me that I was really having a baby it instantly didn't matter. I'm 36 weeks now and we chose not to find out the gender. We both want to be completely surprised on the big day! I have had 'feelings' of it being one gender or the other, but it switches so it doesn't really aue me in any lol. I know my fiancee wants a boy more than a girl, but the second he sese thebaby I guarentee it won't matter to him. He's just so excited to be a daddy! We sometimes playfully say 'oh the baby is a -- today'. And the other always disagrees so we can 'fight' over who's right lol. My mother in law has called the baby a boy since day one and honestly it irritates and annoys me. We don't get along so I feel like she does it just cuz she knows we decided not to find out!

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Answered by ElaLoub - Nov. 2, 2012 5:56am
Hi!! So interesting to hear all your stories!! I have a feeling our baby is a boy and my husband believes it's a boy!! I know I will be super happy either way but I know my DH will be super disappointed if it's a girl. A few weeks back I started telling him that I'm certain it's a girl to try and prepare him!! Don't know if this will help, anyway, hopefully we'll find out on Monday :) Good luck and I'm also sure you'll both be very happy either way!!!

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Answered by -Lee-B - Nov. 2, 2012 2:50am
Someones going to be wrong so start preparing each other for that. My husband and I have tried really hard to not think one way or the the other. We figure it's best to just wait till we know rather than getting our hopes up and putting too much effort into thinking about something we had no control over. We have an 18 week ultrasound next week and are hoping to find out.

I would think it's best to start preparing now for some dissapointment. But remember. It's pretty standard that men want the boy and females want the girl. I see it in everyone we talk to the way they talk to my husband...my husband will explain we haven't been hoping either way and their response is often "that's right, best to just want the baby to be healthy and male".

Point being...if thats the normal thinking then with almost every baby born one of the parents would be upset when they find out! I'm sure you'll both be thrilled in the end.

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Answered by LalaRiley - Nov. 2, 2012 1:32am
I "knew" immediately after my positive test that it was a boy. I have almost convinced everyone around me too, just because I'm so sure. I asked the ultrasound tech at my 10 week appointment when they would be able to tell, and she said that while it was way too early to be positive, there was a "bump" that would lead her to believe it will be a boy. I hadn't even told her that I suspected the same thing. I know its not reliable since it was so early, but its just fun to have the little game going. I'm 12 weeks now, so I still have a ways to go before I find out for sure. Good luck!

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Answered by kaylia2oo5 - Nov. 1, 2012 9:14pm
At first, I wanted another daughter (I think a lot of it was because our first daughter said she wanted a sister), but I said right from the beginning I thought it was a boy, and I was right! DH was elated, but DD was MAD! She's gotten over it, and is excited to have a little brother on the way! They say mothers intuition is always right- good luck!

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Answered by Lucky3 - Nov. 1, 2012 8:34pm
I felt the same way about my DH. He insisted that we were having a boy and wouldn't even acknowledge the possibility of it being a girl. I told him the same thing, too, that I felt he needed to quit because I didn't want him to be dissappointed if it was a girl. Eventually, I stopped feeling that way, because I didnt' want to upset myself. To my surprise, so did he. Now he admits that he has no idea and says he'd be happy with either. It's a nice change of pace. But I think it's normal for people to have it in their minds what they want, and then maybe feel like if they will it hard enough, it will happen? IDK. I've had feelings either way before, but this time, not a clue! One of us will be right, and the other WRONG!!! And we'll never let the wrong person live it down!!! LOL! (Kidding) :-) Best wishes!

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Answered by LyssaBugg - Nov. 1, 2012 8:33pm
I'll be overjoyed no matter what the gender- I'm sure he will too, I just don't want him to get too tied to the idea of it being a boy. Personally, I would prefer one of each, and a boy first. Just feeling like this is a girl.

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Answered by maggie22 - Nov. 1, 2012 8:30pm
Maybe you shouldnt find out then so neither of you are disappointed....

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Answered by a member - Nov. 1, 2012 8:26pm
I have gone back and forth, thinking it's a boy and then a girl and then a boy again. The hubby and his mother are both convinced it's a boy. We won't know the sex until birth, so we've got another 8 weeks or so to guess!

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