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Category: Relationships During Pregnancy

Asked by knicole27

Q: Can hormones be "controlled"?

So I posted today on facebook how much I hate my Kirby vacuum. It truly does suck for being pregnant though. Its made of metal and weighs over 50 lbs or some crap. Just not user friendly at all. I had to change the vacuum bag in it this morning it was as usual be in pain in the butt. I posted my "me vs the vacuum" challenge this morning. Now granted my mother in law gave us this vacuum so she is defending it. lol I get it. So she says "really!? Changing the bag is simple!" and I say.. "not this morning that thing was almost thrown away today :) " half kidding obviously I would not really do that. She says "Just so you know thats a 800 dollar vacuum" and i say "tell my hormones that ..they dont care sometimes" and her advice which i might add sounds like my husband.. ahem. he says this crap all the time to me: "When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. It's all perspective..."

This question was asked May. 15, 2012 10:15pm
Category: Relationships During Pregnancy

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Answered by knicole27 - May. 15, 2012 10:17pm
now mind you I have heard her son tell me this probably a hundred times or something like it in this pregnancy. She has three sons its not like she doesn't know.. So wondering.. HOW do I control my emotions and hormones!?!? i mean i know.. think about something before you say it.. take deep breaths etc.. take a minute or time out from something but seriously. I have NO idea how I could EVER "CONTROL" my emotions i am having in pregnancy. Just sort of a vent i guess. Wondering what other ladies thought of this..

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Answered by Mandri - May. 16, 2012 6:10am
Don't think it can be controlled! I'm a super bitch these days and no one gets spared. Usually I'm a sweetheart that will never upset anyone, I hate conflict. But these days conflict is my food cause I actually have something to say. Small things irritate me, okay maybe about everything.

Don't stress too much about the hormones, they are part of the package!

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Answered by Leniana - May. 17, 2012 2:33pm
Yeah that is just silly, there isn't really a way to control the hormones. The only thing you can do is stop freaking out IF you realize you are doing it (which is a big IF!) and take a deep breath and try to get away from whatever it is for a minute, or else apologize after the fact if you were yelling at someone hehe. My poor hubby gets lots of apologies lately! Also, screw kirby vacuums; they are overpriced & overweight LOL. There's a reason bag-less vacuums are the norm now!

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Answered by klara2222 - May. 16, 2012 11:29am
I get snappy like I never have before. I try to avoid situations that I know will set me off and people that are known to push my buttons. I just tune out Dad's wife when she talks to me on the phone; sticking to "mhmm" and "yeah" responses has saved me from blowing up with her a few times over the past few weeks. My DH is also super awesome and will let me vent to him and have the blowup afterward if I manage to keep it under wraps at the time I'm talking to someone else. He has broad shoulders and is fond of saying, "It's half my fault you're feeling like this, so bitch away." Needless to say, I love him more for just going with it and knowing better than to get in the way of the hormonal freight train! ;)

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